Monday, January 5, 2015

Cornsilk Tea Benefits

Cornsilk Tea Benefits have been known in the olden days as particularly beneficial for disorders in the urinary system. Native Americans and civilizations in Central and South America used cornsilk to take advantage of its diuretic, demulcent and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cornsilk are the silky strands that run the length of the ears of a corn. They look like strands of hair that are green in color at first, becoming red, then finally yellow. The cornsilk have their base at the leaf whorl at the end of the ear. Their function is the collection of the pollen that fertilizes each seed.

Cornsilk itself is not food, but is very much valued in the annals of traditional herbal medicine as a treatment for urinary disorders.

The beneficial constituents of cornsilk include the flavonoid maysin, allantoin, mucilage, saponins, vitamins C and K, and potassium.

To make cornsilk tea, place a handful of cornsilk into a pot of boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes. The dosage for treatment of urinary tract infection is a 200 mL cup of cornsilk tea taken three times a day until the patient is well.

The following are the health benefits attributed to cornsilk tea:

Cornsilk tea may help in the treatment of urinary tract infections, cystitis, prostatitis, as                       well as bladder infections. It may also help in reducing irritants in the kidney.

Cornsilk tea may help reduce the retention of fluids in the body. In the process, it help                         detoxify and flush out accumulated toxins in the body.

Cornsilk tea may help in the treatment of prostate disorders.

Cornsilk tea, when applied topically, may help in healing wounds and skin ulcers.

Cornsilk tea may help in the treatment of jaundice.

Cornsilk tea may help lower blood pressure.

Cornsilk tea may aid in relieving arthritis.

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