Monday, January 5, 2015

Codonopsis Tea Benefits

Codonopsis Tea Benefits are quite known in the annals of traditional Chinese medicine as being potent and effective for chronic fatigue. This is because it is known as a good replenishing agent for qi, which is the flow of energy in the human body.

Codonopsis is a perennial flowering plant species that is typically found in the Shanxi and Szechuan provinces in China, as well as in Korea, but is now cultivated across the globe. The codonopsis root is used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine but the plant itself is also grown as an ornamental. It is typically found around streambanks and in the forests.

Also known by its scientific name of Codonopsis pilosula, it is often dubbed as the 'poor man's ginseng'. Codonopsis often reaches a length of eight to ten feet. The codonopsis plant is shrubby, dense and has a propensity to climb. It has heart shaped leaves, green five-pointed bell shaped flowers, and has striking yellow or light purple veins. Codonopsis roots are typically 1 to 3 centimeters thick.

Codonopsis root has a sweet taste which makes it also ideal to be eaten raw. In China , babies are provided pieces of codonopsis root to teethe on. It is also given to children to help them grow strong, and breast-feeding women use codonopsis tea as a tonic to increase the quantity of milk they produce.

The following are the active constituents of codonopsis root: friedelin, taraxerol, alpha-spinasterol, alpha-spinasterol-beta-D-glucopyranoside, n-butyl-alpha-D-fructofuranoside and n-butyl-beta-D-fructopyranoside.

Codonopsis Tea can be made by boiling the roots in a cup of hot water for 20 to 30 minutes. The tea has a pleasant slightly sweet taste.

The following are the health benefits attributed to codonopsis tea:

Codonopsis Tea may be helpful in the treatment of diarrhea.

Codonopsis Tea may help in the treatment of appetite loss.

Codonopsis Tea may help alleviate vomiting.

Codonopsis Tea may help reinvigorate the body and enhance the body's ability to withstand                 stress.

Codonopsis Tea may help relieve migraine-related headaches.

Codonopsis Tea may help lower blood pressure.

Codonopsis Tea may help the formation of peptic ulcers.

Codonopsis Tea may help ease asthma attacks.

Codonopsis Tea may help hasten recovery of cancer patients from radiation therapy. It may                 also help increase red and white blood cell count.

Codonopsis Tea is believed to help treat indigestion and related abdominal disorders.

Codonopsis Tea may help in the treatment of lupus.

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