Monday, January 5, 2015

Chai Tea Benefits

Chai tea benefits have been known for quite a long time. The beginnings of chai tea can be found in the annals of Indian Ayurvedic medicine some 5,000 years ago. It belonged to a healing system that relied on spices, herbs and sweeteners to cure various ailments.

Chai tea is made from a base of either black, green or oolong tea, and then combined with such herbs as ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, black peppercorns and fennel. Milk may be added to this mix and serves to enhance the flavor. Honey is also often added to give the brew a sweet and pleasant taste.

The different spices in chai tea have been used in traditional Asian medicine for centuries. Both Ayurvedic and Chinese Traditional Medicine place a high value on spices in the treatment of a wide array of health conditions.

Chai tea has become popular of late as the proliferation of gourmet coffee and tea houses placed this beverage on the spotlight. In these places, chai tea can be consumed either hot or cold and are processed as lattes. However, these chai tea drinks may not be as beneficial as traditionally-prepared chai tea, as these drinks often contain lower amounts of the chai spices, and often have higher amounts of white sugar. The spices may also not be as potent because coffee shops tend to order chai mix in large batches rather mixing it fresh on a daily basis.

The health benefits of chai tea are the result of the individual benefits of its component herbs and spices.

The following are the health benefits attributed to chai tea:

Chai tea may help ease sore throat.

Chai tea may help alleviate cough and cold symptoms.

Chai tea may help enhance the immune system.

Chai tea may help ease the digestive process.

Chai tea may help calm the system.

Chai tea may help fight bacterial infection.

Chai tea may help contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system.

Chai tea may help in the protection against cancer and other diseases associated with free radical         damage.

Chai tea may help reduce body aches.

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