Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Red Ginseng Tea Benefits

Red ginseng tea benefits have long been acknowledged as contributory to a robust regimen for longevity and wellness in many parts of Asia, especially Korea, China and Japan.

Red ginseng is made from Panax ginseng that has undergone a special preservation method that involving steaming, sometimes sun-drying, and marinating.
The Panax ginseng roots are soaked in a liquid of herbal mixture that typically includes a combination of honey or wine.
This steeping process causes the roots to turn a shade of red in color and to become brittle in texture.

Red ginseng usually always originates from China or Korea, and is considered slightly stronger and more stimulating than the conventional white ginseng.

Red ginseng is said to promote yang energy, improve circulation, and restore balance and strength.

Red ginseng roots are typically taken orally as adaptogens (substances that reinforce the body's resistance to stress), aphrodisiacs, and nourishing stimulants.
They are also believed to possess anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. Red ginseng roots are also available in dried form.

Ginsenosides are the active constituents in Panax ginseng. They can be found in almost all parts of the plant but the leaves are said to contain the highest concentrations.

Red ginseng root also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, essential oils and natural enzymes.

To make red ginseng tea, place about five slices of red ginseng root in a cup of newly-boiled water. Let the mix stand for about 5 minutes. Red ginseng tea bags can likewise be used.
Steeping time for that is also about 5 minutes.

The following are the health benefits attributed to red ginseng tea:

Red ginseng tea is believed to help enhance the body's immune system.

Red ginseng tea may help fight viruses and bacteria.

Red ginseng tea may help lower the risk for certain cancers. It is also said to help lower the chances  of relapse for gastric cancer.

Red ginseng tea is said to help improve brain function and cognitive skills.

Red ginseng tea may help enhance circulation of blood.

Red ginseng tea may help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk for heart attacks, strokes and  other cardiovascular diseases.

Red ginseng tea may help increase energy and improve endurance.

Red ginseng tea is believed to help increase sexual potency.

Red ginseng tea may help fight arthritis and other problems associated with inflammation.

Red ginseng tea is believed to be helpful against diabetes.

Ginseng Tea Benefits

Much study has been done on the benefits of ginseng tea and its popularity is increasing.

Some people like the stimulating effects of ginseng tea while others use it for various purposes including:

Improvement in thinking
Accelerating reaction time
Boosting resistance to viral infections
Increasing resistance to the effects of stress, and
Improving circulation and preventing disease.

The following are Ginseng Tea health benefits according to WebMD:

Ginseng tea increases resistance to the effects of stress and improves circulation and mental functioning.

 Health conditions contributed to be stress include increased acidity of the body chemistry, back pain, cancer, Crohn's disease (inflammation of the intestinal tract), depression, chronic diarrhea, digestive disorders, hair loss, headaches, hypertension or high blood pressure, impotence,insomnia, TMJ syndromes (jaw pain and clicking), nervous and anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive behaviors, various skin conditions, and finally, ulcers. Ginseng tea, whether it comes from Korea or Minnesota, is for people who have chronic fever, thirst, hot flashes, people who crave excess sweets and have excess hunger.

Ginseng tea has shown cancer-preventive effects and may reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

 One study found that among more than 4,600 people over the age of 40, ginseng users were approximately 70% less likely to develop cancer compared to those who did not take the herb. They also found that the more frequently ginseng tea was consumed, the lower the risk of getting cancer was.

Dried ginseng root may help people with type 2 diabetes control blood sugar levels.

 One study showed that in the diabetics, ginseng tea lowered blood sugar 20% more than placebo pills. Among those who did not have diabetes, there was also a similar drop in blood sugar levels.

In general, human studies have mainly found increased "quality of life" among those taking ginseng tea. Ginseng has a street reputation as an ancient aphrodisiac. In the May 1995 issue of the journal British Pharmacology, a study concluded that substances in ginseng known as ginsenosides may work in a similar way to Viagra. One Chinese Herb company uses ginseng in pills to treat premature ejaculation.

Consumers who purchase ginseng and ginseng tea should consider the source and the product. No federal agency enforces quality control over the ingredients of many products. Studies of 54 ginseng products found that 25% contained no ginseng at all, and 60% contained only trace amounts so consumers may not know exactly what they're buying -- whether a jar labeled "ginseng," for example, really has ginseng in it.

Pu erh Tea Benefits

Pu erh Tea Benefits have been well-known for centuries as being potent in the areas of blood cholesterol lowering, as well as in proper digestion and general well-being and longevity.
Pu erh tea is known to be a drink that enhances the "qi" or the life force.

Pu erh tea is derived from the large leaf variety of the camellia sinensis plant from where green tea, black tea and oolong tea are also obtained.
The term "pu erh" is taken from the Pu erh county in the Yunnan province of China where the tea is produced.
The best pu erh tea is said to be produced in the a group of famous mountains in Yunnan that are renowned for their climate and environment.

Pu erh tea is processed or aged in different ways.
Some pu erh varieties are purchased raw or green - meaning it has not undergone an extensive oxidation process (hence it is similar to green tea) - and some are purchased in the post-fermented stage where it shares a lot of commonalities with black and oolong tea.
Though oftentimes classified as a type of black tea, pu erh tea is largely considered to be of a separate variety that holds a different and many say, higher status, than black tea.

Pu erh tea is usually aged and consumed several years after its production. The older the tea, the more valuable it gets.
Like a good wine, pu erh tea ought to be slowly drunk while the leaves settle down in the cup.

Pu erh tea is available either in loose leaf form, or in tea bag form, or in compacted cake form (also known as brick). The cake form of pu erh tea usually attracts a lot of attention from tea collectors as many of the older teas are traditionally done in this form.

When aged well, pu erh tea produces a pleasant-tasting drink that is often served in Chinese restaurants after heavy meals.
Its fat-breaking abilities are recognized by the Chinese people and the tea is often considered the perfect drink to complement an oil and fat-laden feast.

Pu erh tea typically takes on a dark, strong brown color that's almost akin to that of black tea, but possesses a somewhat mellower, liquor-like flavor.

Pu erh tea possesses many of the antioxidant qualities found in green tea, black tea and oolong tea.
Pu erh tea contains polyphenols that attack free radicals in the body to help ensure protection against a host of diseases.

The following are the health benefits attributed to pu erh tea:

Pu erh tea is known to help lower blood cholesterol levels.

Pu erh tea may help boost the flow of blood and help enhance circulation.

Pu erh tea may help inhibit the formation and growth of cancer cells.

Pu erh tea aids in the proper digestion of food.

Pu erh tea may help invigorate the spleen.

Pu erh tea is known to help break down and thus reduce fat in the system.

Pu erh tea may help remove toxins.

Pu erh tea may help heal aches and pains.

White Tea health benefits are slowly being discovered!

The health benefits of white tea are slowly being discovered by people from all over. And recent research has shown that indeed, these discoveries may have some scientific basis.

Researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute (LPI) Micronutrient Information Center in Oregon State tested four types of white tea for their ability to inhibit mutations in bacteria, and subsequently examined the protective properties in a rat colon cancer model.
In the former studies using bacteria, white tea was said to be generally more effective than green tea in inhibiting mutations.
While this may be subject to further tests, it thus shows some basis for the health benefits associated with white tea.

Paula Peatross, clinical dietitian with St. Mary's Medical Center, said some teas can be high in vitamin K and that all teas contain tannins.
They are a component of tea that helps prevent cancer-causing agents from binding to target sites. The studies have revealed that white tea may have such components in relative abundance.

According to a study done by the LPI, white tea contains a higher proportion of buds, which are covered with fine, silvery hairs that impart a light white/grey color to the tea.
White tea brews to a pale yellow/light red color, and has a slightly sweet flavor with no grassy undertones sometimes associated with green tea.

Health Benefits of White Tea being discovered!

The health benefits of white tea are slowly being discovered by health enthusiasts from the world over. Like other teas, white tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, but the leaves are picked and harvested before they fully open, when the buds are still covered by silver fuzz, which turns white when the tea is steamed.

White tea is known to be abundant in antioxidants that many believe fend off cancer, increase the chances of long life and improve dental health. White tea antioxidants help guard the body from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Tea leaves for white tea undergo even less processing than green tea leaves. Leaving them so close to their natural state means they contain more polyphenols, the antioxidant that fights and kills cancer-causing cells. A 2004 study at Pace University concluded that white tea can help the body's immune system fight off viruses and dangerous infection-causing bacteria. The same study concluded that fluoride-rich white tea helps prevent the growth of dental plaque, the chief cause of tooth decay.

In 2000, Oregon State University researchers found that white tea may prevent DNA mutations, the earliest steps leading to cancer. The researchers' latest data indicates white tea may protect against colon cancer in particu

White tea popularity highlights its health benefits!

Swelling popularity has brought white tea to the forefront of tea lovers' awareness, as well as supermarket shelves.

White tea has a milder taste compared to black tea. In fact, its taste is almost similar to that of green tea. However, recent research also has shown that white tea may hold more anti-oxidants than other varieties.

White tea has been produced in China, most notably in Fujian province, for thousands of years but crossed over to the Western consciousness only recently. Most white tea still comes from China, but other countries are starting to make their own versions.

To he buds of the camellia sinensis plant are plucked before they fully open and while they are still covered in white hairs, hence its name.

White tea is a rare tea as it is hand-processed and picked during a very limited time frame.

White tea is steamed immediately after it is picked and then dried, explains Jane Higdon, a researcher with the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, on the institute's Web site.

"Consequently, white teas usually contain higher concentrations of catechins than other teas," she says.

Catechins are a main component of tea and are thought to fight cancer and boost the immune system.

Green tea has a high catechin level, too, but can wither before it is steamed, which releases some of the beneficial catechins. Oolong and black teas ferment and lose most of the benefits, Higdon says.

A study by LPI researchers showed white tea may help prevent DNA mutations, the first stage of cancer.

Pace University also studied the health effects of white tea and found it has a greater anti-viral and anti-bacterial effect than green tea.

The health benefit of white tea is the driving force behind its sales at the Whistling Kettle, Borowsky says.

"You have everything that green tea has and a little bit more," he says of white tea's antioxidant levels.

Tea's benefits to tap for good health!

Drinking tea may be a natural way to improve your health. Evidences continues to mount in favour of the consumption of tea benefiting the heart, protecting from some cancers, stop bad breath, fight diseases and even ensure weight loss.

Teas, both green and black, have potent anti-cancer effects against a wide range of cancers, many scientists keep saying.
For instance, a study led by the US Department of Agriculture on the health benefits of tea linked this to its polyphenol content.
Green tea contains between 30 and 40 per cent of water-extractable polyphenols and the black tea (green tea that has been oxidized by fermentation) about three to 10 per cent of these substances.
The four primary polyphenols found in fresh tea leaves are epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin, epicatachin and gallate, and epicatachin.

Mendel Friedman and his co-workers from Universities in South Korea investigated tea's ability to induce cell death in human cancer and normal cells using either its water or alcoholic extract and found it inhibits tumour growth, though at different levels dictated by the concentration.

This latest study corroborate an earlier one that found that drinking at least one cup of tea a day could cut the risk of cancer in the gallbladder and bile ducts by about 40 per cent in a population-based study carried out in China.

The researchers, led by Ann Hsing from the US National Cancer Institute, assessed the demographic, medical and dietary histories of 627 people with bile tract cancers (cases), 1037 people with bile stones and 959 randomly selected healthy controls. The sample population was based in Shanghai , China , where the incidence of these types of cancers is reported to have increased in recent years.

Specifically, women tea drinker had associated reduced risks of gallbladder cancer, bile duct cancer, and bile stones of 44, 35 and 37 per cent respectively. For men, no significant association was observed for tea drinkers and the relative risk of these conditions.

More evidence of tea's brain health benefits is similarly supporting both green and black tea been able to protect against age-related diseases like Alzheimer's as well as improve memory.

The research, published in the European Journal of Neuroscience, was the first to show beneficial effect of both green and black tea on cell cultures treated with amyloid proteins (amyloid proteins are associate with the onset of Alzheimer's disease) just as another team at the University of Newcastle said that tea, and particularly green tea, helps improve memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

The study's lead researcher, Dr. Ed Okello, said: "Although there is no cure for Alzheimer's, tea could potentially be another weapon in the armoury which is used to treat this disease and slow down its development" in the journal, Phytotherapy Research. Dr. Okello added that the findings suggested tea could boost the memory of everyday drinkers too.

Tea has long been believed to possess blood pressure lowering effects in popular Chinese medicine. The scientists from the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, Taiwan, that examined the effect of tea drinking on the risk of newly diagnosed hypertension in 1507 subjects aged 20 or older, who did not have a hypertensive history when the study started even confirmed this.

Almost 40 per cent of the subjects were defined by the scientists as "habitual" tea drinkers, meaning they consumed at least 120 millilitres of green tea or oolong tea everyday for at least a year.

The more tea people drank, the lower their risk of high blood pressure, the authors said in the Archives of Internal Medicine. For non-habitual tea drinkers, the risk of developing hypertension decreased by 46 per cent in comparison with those that drank 120 to 599ml per day. This was further reduced by 65 per cent in those who drank 600ml daily or more.

This evidence that tea drinkers may actually suffer less from hypertension, the Japanese study also suggested may be linked to black tea's action on blood vessels. The drink dilates the vessels allowing faster blood flow.

Research published in the October issue of the journal,nutrition, showed that five servings of black tea per day reduced LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol, by 11.1 per cent and total cholesterol by 6.5 per cent in those with mildly high cholesterol level. This definitely is substantiating another study in Saudi Arabia that found that people who drank more than six cups of black tea daily lowered their risk of coronary heart disease by more than half, compared to those who were not regular tea drinkers.

Meanwhile, compounds found in tea is said to also stop the growth of bacterial that cause bad breath, according to researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Polyphenols, chemical components of tea, prevent both the growth of bacterial responsible for bad breath and the bacteria's production of malodorous compounds the research said.

In the laboratory study, Wu and Zhu incubated tea polyphenols with three species of bacteria associated with bad breath for 48 hours. At concentrations ranging from 16 to 250 microgramme per millilitre, the polyphenols inhibited growth of oral bacterial. At even lower concentrations - from 2.5 to 25 microgrammes per millilitre-the polyphenols hindered the enzyme that catalyses the formation of hydrogen sulphide, cutting its production by 30 per cent, they reported.

Research finding in her laboratory had also shown that black tea suppresses the growth of bacterial in dental plaque and even the act of rinsing the mouth with black tea can help to reduce plague formation and the production of acids that cause tooth decay.

Bones are not left out either. Long-term consumption of black, green or oolong tea can help strengthen bones researchers from the National Cheng Kung University Hospital in Tainan, Taiwan have reasons to believe.

People who drank an average of nearly two cups a day of these three tea varieties over a six-year period were shown to have a significant higher bone density than people who did not drink tea, or who drank it in smaller quantities.

Writing is the Archive of Internal Medicine; the researchers said they discovered that people who said they had consumed tea regular for more than 10 years had the highest overall bone-mineral density.

Even those that want to protect themselves from the effect of smoking, researchers also suggested should take tea regularly. Based on the findings in the October's issue of the Journals of Nutrition, the researchers at the Arizona College of Public Health, University of Arizona and Arizona Cancer Centre in Tuscon studied the effect of tea on 143 heavy smokers for four months and from this concluded that it may also protect against damages from smoking.

Similarly, tea drinker stands to have their immune system primed to fight infection and chronic diseases because its antioxidant's content helps the body destroy free radicals.

In an experiment, people who drank five to six small cups of black tea daily for two weeks were better able to fight off bacterial infections, a study said in an edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

So when next you are thirsty, try taking tea rather than water, it is healthier. Water is essentially replacing fluid, but tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants, so an added advantage.

There is no need to worry about tea dehydrating the body either. This is an old wives' tale that is not backed up by any science. Whether it is the green or black tea, just keep drinking.

Green tea ingredient blocks cancer cell protein!

Recent studies have indicated that green tea's reputed cancer fighting properties may be due to its ability to obstruct a protein involved in igniting the growth of tumor cells.

While green tea is believed to shield people against some forms of cancer like those attacking the breast and liver, researchers have not been able to pinpoint exactly how it does this.

Now, researchers in the laboratory of toxicologist Thomas Gasiewicz at the University of Rochester in New York State, have found that a chemical in green tea called EGCG attaches itself to a protein called HSP90, which is present at elevated levels in cancer cells.

EGCG prevents the protein from activating a cell receptor that plays a role in turning on harmful genes.

EGCG is a member of the flavonoid family, a group of chemicals also found in broccoli, cabbage, grapes and red wine.

Gasiewicz says the discovery could help researchers develop a cancer drug based on.the green tea ingredient. Drug companies are already searching for compounds that target HSP90, but to date none has come to market

Does green tea fight cancer?

In December 2005, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., released a case study suggesting green tea improved the conditions of four people with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

The four patients consumed over-the-counter products containing epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the active ingredient in green tea. Hematologist Tait Shanafelt, M.D., and colleagues tracked the patients' conditions, and preliminary evidence suggested positive clinical effects. The findings appeared in the journal Leukemia Research.

Green Tea: Miracle Cure?
The Chinese have consumed green tea for some 5,000 years. It contains antioxidants called flavonoids - also found in leafy vegetables - which are thought to prevent cancer.

Green tea has been used to treat hypertension and atherosclerosis. Studies have shown EGCG to modulate the growth factor leading to leukemic cells, while theaflavin-enriched green tea extract has been shown to lower cholesterol and may reduce the risk of hypertension.

Researchers such as Thomas Gasiewicz, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Environmental Medicine at the University of Rochester (UR) in New York, have studied green tea's chemopreventive abilities.

In 2003, Gasiewicz and his colleagues at UR 's Environmental Health Sciences Center determined that chemicals in green tea shut down the aryl hydrocarbon (AH) receptor, one of the key molecules in tobacco that may spur cancer.

Chemicals in green tea successfully shut down the AH receptor in cancerous cells in mice. The manner in which green tea is metabolized in the human body is still not fully understood, so more research is needed, according to Gasiewicz.

"The data from studies on human populations are not convincing as to a health benefit of green tea consumption," Gasiewicz said. "Some studies show some benefit; some studies do not. However, the evidence from animal investigations is more convincing for an anti-cancer activity of green tea and its components."

"Determining how these chemicals work in animals may help us to understand how they might - or might not - act in humans and the concentrations that may be effective. This information may also assist in the design of agents that may be more effective in humans for anti-cancer therapy," he said.

The Mayo Clinic research team also stated that more studies are needed to determine optimal doses, side effects and the frequency of medication before green tea can be recommended for widespread use among cancer patients.

FDA Weighs In
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says there's no concrete scientific evidence to support claims that green tea prevents cancer.

In a June 2005 statement, the FDA cited studies with conflicting information about the effectiveness of green tea in preventing certain types of cancer. While two studies revealed that green tea didn't demonstrably reduce the risk of breast cancer, one "limited" study suggested that it might. Similarly, while one study found that green tea didn't reduce the risk of prostate cancer, a smaller study found that it did.

As part of the FDA's Consumer Health for Better Nutrition Initiative, experts concluded that it is highly unlikely that green tea reduces the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. The FDA also concluded that qualified health claims for green tea consumption as a preventive measure for reducing the risk of other types of cancers must be investigated further, as no substantial scientific evidence exists for such claims.

Should You Go Green?
Bradly P. Jacobs, M.D., M.P.H., chair of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Channel for's Medical Advisory Board (MAB) said people who drink green tea tend to be more health-conscious, which could account for their lower cancer risk.

"Studies in Asia show that cancer is lower among those drinking green tea," he said. But "this could be a lifestyle issue."

Green tea may not prevent cancer, but it does have plenty of proven health benefits.

"Studies have shown that green tea - either oral or topical - has significant antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits," said Lisa Zanetti Rhodes, M.D., co-chair of the Skin Disorders Channel for's MAB.

Green tea is Antioxidants central!

Green tea has become very popular in the last few years. Green tea has many health benefits and there are lots of reasons to drink it on a daily basis.

Green tea is prepared by drying freshly picked leaves. Black tea is made from the same tea leaves, however, they are "sweated" before they dry - a process that helps develop a deeper flavor. However, the fermentation process destroys some of the active components to the tea leaves, leaving black tea to have less health benefits than green tea. Therefore, green tea is higher in compounds that are associated with the health benefits.

The green tea compounds that make the drink so healthy are called polyphenols and flavonols, specifically known as catechins. These catechins found in green tea are the same chemical compounds found in other plants that have antioxidant activity.

Antioxidants are compounds that help the body guard against the damaging effects of free radicals. Antioxidants are very powerful against many diseases: cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, just to name a few. And green tea is packed full of them, almost 90 percent of green tea has these particular catechins. That's powerful!

Several of these catechins that are present in green tea are known as the EGCGs. They are known to be the most biologically active antioxidants and are 25 to 100 times more potent than vitamins C and E.

The EGCGs and green tea have been studied to show an association with their consumption and overall cancer and heart disease risk. There have been many studies conducted that show green tea's powerful antioxidant action protects against cell damage and can decrease the growth of cancerous tumors. Study after study demonstrates that people with larger intakes of flavonoids have decreased risk of cancer.

Higher consumption of green tea has also been linked to lower incidences of cardiovascular disease. There are mixed reviews on if green tea can actually lower LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein), however, the action of the antioxidants just seems to be overall heart healthy.

However, with many of these studies, there is no conclusive evidence. But even with the absence of a totally conclusive study, there is general consensus that green tea is good for one's well-being.

So a cup or two of green tea is recommended. A cup of green tea provides about 100 to 200 mg of polyphenols and has antioxidant activity greater than a serving of broccoli! So sit back, relax and enjoy that fresh cup of green tea.

Green Tea may help fight leukemia, study indicates!

A new report suggests that green tea may help treat a form of adulthood leukemia, if the cases of four patients are to be any indication.

Doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, found that of four leukemia patients who started drinking green tea or taking green tea extracts, three showed clear improvements in their condition in the following months.

The patients all had chronic lymphocytic leukemia, or CLL, a form of leukemia that usually arises during or after middle-age and typically progresses slowly. Like all types of leukemia, CLL is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, in which abnormal white blood cells replace healthy blood cells.

According to Dr. Tait Shanafelt, these four patients started using green tea on their own last year, after hearing media reports about a lab study Shanafelt and his colleagues conducted.

That study showed that one compound found in green tea, known as EGCG, was able to kill cancer cells that were taken from CLL patients and put in a test tube with the tea compound.

After the findings were published, the doctors became aware of four CLL patients at their center who had started using green tea products and seemed to be doing better.

In interviewing the patients and reviewing their records, the doctors found that three showed signs of a regression in their cancer after they started to drink green tea or take green tea capsules. The fourth had an improvement in her white blood cell count, though her disease remained unchanged by standard criteria.

In one case, the patient had been showing progressive swelling in her lymph nodes - one of the characteristics of CLL - before she starting taking green tea capsules twice a day. Over the next year, her lymph nodes steadily decreased in size, according to findings published online by the journal Leukemia Research.

A new report suggests that green tea may help treat a form of adulthood leukemia, if the cases of four patients are to be any indication.

Doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, found that of four leukemia patients who started drinking green tea or taking green tea extracts, three showed clear improvements in their condition in the following months.

Five top green tea health benefits!

What can green tea do for you? It might be easier to list what it can't do. A fascinating analysis published in an issue of 'Explore' found numerous ways that studies have demonstrated that green tea (or compounds in it) promote human health, including:


  1. Fighting viruses, including influenza
  2. Lowering levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol
  3. Battling cancer: Tea compounds have been shown to help prevent or alleviate cancers of the lymph nodes, bladder, breast, cervix, colon, esophagus, lung, bones, pancreas, prostate, skin and stomach.
  4. Aiding endurance
  5. Promoting weight loss in animal and human studies

In short, drinking green tea is one of the best health moves you can make. And if you want to avoid caffeine, drink decaffeinated versions, or remove the caffeine yourself this way:

Steep tea for 45 seconds in hot water, then pour off the liquid

Add more hot water and steep as you normally would to brew a cup of tea

Up to 80 per cent of the caffeine is released in the first infusion of water, so only minimal amounts will remain when you add water the second time. This method has little effect on the tea's flavour or aroma.

Green Tea is today's Wonder Drink!

For centuries, the Chinese and the Japanese have sipped green tea. And studies have shown that generally, they are probably among the healthiest peoples in the world.

Now, Americans are catching on to one of the most popular beverages in the world.

Studies are adding up and researchers are backing the idea that green tea could protect people from Alzheimer's disease, cancer, high cholesterol and obesity.

Registered dietician Cynthia Sass says green tea works because it is not fermented, or dried out, so antioxidants are preserved.

"Antioxidants are really like little bodyguards inside your body that protect your cells from disease," Sass said.

There are so many options now, making the process of choosing the right green tea to buy more confusing. Sass, however, says green tea you brew yourself is the most beneficial. The flavored teas are fine, too, but she says avoid ones that add extra antioxidants or herbs.

"We really don't know the safety of adding these in a supplemental form," she said.

The taste may not be your cup of tea but Sass says bypassing the taste factor with a pill is not the answer.

"There's really no guarantee of quality there," she said. "There's no guarantee that what's in the pill is really what it says."

Green tea is different from other teas because it is not fermented or dried out, thus keeping the powerful antioxidants normally lost in the fermenting process in the drink. Registered Dietician and ADA spokesperson, Cynthia Sass says.

There's a lot of buzz about green tea because more and more studies are showing the health benefits of drinking green tea. Some of the health benefits of green tea include:

improving your immune system;
guarding against flu virus;
lowering cholesterol;
helping prevent cavities and tooth decay;
slowing the aging process;
reducing risk of cancer;
aiding in weight-loss by burning calories;
reducing high blood pressure;
preventing arthritis;
reducing risk of heart disease, and
reducing risk of stroke.

The latest research also finds an ingredient in green tea that fights cancer may also help protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease. Some of the research has been done in humans, while other studies are only at the animal stage, but it seems clear green tea is a healthy choice. Sass warns though that green tea is part of a healthy lifestyle and does not equal a healthy lifestyle.

She says: "You can't eat poorly, not get exercise, and think it's going to help you prevent all these diseases. But it really could be a powerful thing we can do to add to all the other things that we know about disease prevention."

EGCG: Green Tea's Hidden Weapon!

Despite the refusal of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow a health claim for green tea on labels, many people still believe that drinking green tea is a worthwhile exercise. Although more evidence is needed to justify a strong statement about green tea's ability to lower the risk of cancer, it is not a bad idea to include this beverage in a healthful, mostly plant-based diet.

Although black tea is the most frequently consumed tea in the U.S., green tea contains far higher levels of the phytochemical EGCG. Both oolong and black teas, including the common orange pekoe, lose some of their EGCG as they are processed. However, green tea leaves are steamed or baked before they can oxidize, so their EGCG levels remain high.

Since it is a powerful antioxidant, EGCG may help prevent both heart disease and cancer. It helps to stabilize highly reactive molecules known as free radicals that can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease, or alter the DNA in our genes, promoting cancerous changes. In addition, EGCG may protect against cancer development by increasing the self-destruction of cancer cells and by affecting enzymes and the signals between cells, slowing the growth and multiplication of cancer cells.

But while the evidence of EGCG's ability to deter cancer is quite strong in laboratory studies, population studies show much less consistent benefits. The inconsistent population evidence is one of the primary reasons that the FDA recently refused to approve a health claim on the labels of products with green tea that would link its consumption with lower cancer risk. In the FDA's view, the effectiveness of foods in laboratory studies is merely background material. Consistent evidence among populations is key to supporting health claims. However, researchers point out that the laboratory studies, which are overwhelmingly positive about the health effects of EGCG, are necessary to explain the results of population studies. Without them, we would not know what EGCG is or what it can do.

Furthermore, inconsistent results from population studies do not mean that there is no benefit to drinking green tea. Human studies show that the antioxidant capacity of the blood does increase about an hour after drinking green tea. Other studies show that markers of DNA damage decrease after drinking even black tea or decaf green tea, both of which contain less EGCG than regular green tea.

The differences in health impact that are seen among green tea drinkers in population studies may mean that green tea benefits some people more than others. Genetic variations, varying exposures to risk-producing substances like tobacco, or different diets could all help explain the differences seen in these studies. One study, for example, suggests that tea and soy may produce contrary benefits. Eating one of these foods may decrease the potential benefits from the other one.

Rooibos Tea reaches heights of popularity due to health benefits!

The herbal tea called rooibos (pronounced ROY-boss), also sometimes referred to as "red tea", has become quite popular in recent times due to its being marketed as a beverage possessing numerous health benefits due to its high levels of anti-oxidants.

The Rooibos plant (Aspalathus linearis (Burm. f.) Dahlgren, Fabaceae) is a South African flowering shrub used to make a mild-tasting tea that has no caffeine, very little tannin, and significant amounts of polyphenol anti-oxidants. Rooibos tea has been enjoyed in South Africa for generations, and has been produced in the Cedarberg mountain region of South Africa.

International demand for rooibos has been increasing since trade sanctions against South Africa were lifted following the demise of apartheid in the 1990s.

Rooibos tea health benefits are derived from several of the polyphenol anti-oxidants, called 'flavonoids', which combat the proliferation of so-called free radicals that damage the DNA in cells. Free radicals running amuck in one's system can lead to cancer. They can oxidize cholesterol and lead to clogged blood vessels, heart attack, and stroke.

Anti-oxidants from rooibos tea can bind to free radicals before the free radicals cause harm.

A recent analysis of fermented rooibos measured the levels of all the flavonoids listed above except nothofagin. Of the 10 flavonoids measured, the three that occurred in largest amounts were aspalathin, rutin, and orientin, followed by isoorientin and isoquercitrin. Nothofagin was identified by mass spectrometry but was not quantified because a standard was not available.

The amount of nothofagin in fermented and unfermented rooibos was estimated to be about three times less than aspalathin in one study. Aspalathin and nothofagin arepresent in relatively large amounts in unfermented rooibos tea, but some of the aspalathin and nothofagin oxidizes to other substancesduring fermentation; thus, fermented rooibos contains less aspalathin and nothofagin than unfermented rooibos. The change in polyphenol composition is the reason the tea changes color with fermentation.

Currently, rooibos is the only known natural source of aspalathin. Nothofagin is similar in structure to aspalathin and has only been identified in one other natural source besides rooibos: the heartwood of the red beech tree which is native to New Zealand.

Rooibos Tea found to possess anti-aging properties!

Rooibos Tea or Red Bush Tea has been found to possess certain anti-aging properties that likewise help in strengthening the body's resistance against free radicals in the system.

Rooibos Tea comes from an herb that is endemic to the Cederburg area of South Africa. Rooibos Tea has been found to contain several minerals and powerful antioxidants. Having no oxalic acid, rooibos tea also does not irritate the kidneys.

Japanese scientists, who did studies in the 1960s, discovered that Rooibos contains a powerful antioxidant similar to SOD (super oxidant dismutase) which is thought to retard aging, and quercetin which is believed to have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Rooibos tea has also been found to contain aspalathin, which stymies the atherosclerotic processes that result in heart disease.

In South Africa, research found that the polyphenol content in Rooibos tea is similar to green tea. Polyphenols help protect the body from damage by free radicals.

Rooibos tea has also been found to be helpful with general health problems. It relieves digestive problems, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and constipation. Having a calming effect it helps with irritability, insomnia and depression.

In South Africa Rooibos Tea is often used in day to day cooking as not only does it add important minerals and antioxidants to the diet and help digestion, it also enhances the flavors of the cooking. Just replace the water in a recipe with the tea.

In short, drinking green tea is one of the best health moves you can make. And if you want to avoid caffeine, drink decaffeinated versions, or remove the caffeine yourself this way:

Steep tea for 45 seconds in hot water, then pour off the liquid

Add more hot water and steep as you normally would to brew a cup of tea

Up to 80 per cent of the caffeine is released in the first infusion of water, so only minimal amounts will remain when you add water the second time. This method has little effect on the tea's flavour or aroma.

White Tea health benefits are gaining wider recognition!

The health benefits of white tea are slowly gaining the recognition they deserve. For years, white tea has languished in the shadows of its more popular cousins, green tea and black tea. Now thanks to wider exposure, the healing properties of this beverage are being discussed and analyzed more often.

White tea got its name from the presence of silvery white hairs in the leaves and buds of its source plant - camellia sinensis - which is where all true teas come from. The hairs are present because unlike the other varieties, the plant to made into white tea is plucked even before it fully opens and while they are still covered with the hairs.

White tea comes from the Chinese province of Fujian. It has several varieties such as Silver Needle (Bai Hao Yinzhen), White Peony (Bai Mudan), white Darjeeling, longlife eyebrow and tribute eyebrow.

Recent research has shown that white tea may hold more anti-oxidants than the other varieties. It also appears to exhibit greater anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties than its green counterpart.

These are mainly due to the fact that white tea is steamed immediately after it is picked, and then fast-dried. The resultant effect is that this preserves higher concentrations of catechins than the other teas. Catechins are compounds found in the leaves and buds that are thought to boost the immune system and combat such bodily ailments and disorders as cancer and heart disease.

Evidence also point to the beverage's beneficial effects in increasing bone density, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels and strengthening the teeth.

White tea has a milder taste compared to black tea and has a less "grassy" taste than green tea. To make a cup, place a tablespoon of the leaves in about eight ounces of near-boiling water. Let it soak for three to five minutes. The leaves can be reused several times.

So the next time you come across white tea, it's worth bearing in mind that it is considered the most potent variety as it possesses greater amounts of the natural disease-fighting compounds than its counterparts.

6 Teas With Antioxidants That May Help Strongly Fight Diseases Caused By Free Radical Damage!

Teas with antioxidants are gradually becoming very popular across wide sections of the populace in many parts of the globe. Antioxidants in tea and other herbal drinks are the veritable "secret ingredients" that make these popular drinks so highly valued the world over. These compounds and substances are the agents that enable these beverages to impart their positive health benefits to their drinkers.

Antioxidants are compounds that may help fight and counter the damages caused by free radicals in the body. What are free radicals? Well, these are the harmful by-products and side effects generated by the normal everyday bodily processes that involve oxygen. Since the body requires oxygen at all times to fully function, the body is similarly exposed to the dangerous free radicals produced by the interaction of oxygen with different extraneous variables like bad diet, impure environment, tobacco, and adverse physiological & psychological factors.

Teas With AntioxidantsWhen these free radicals are unleashed in the body, they have the potential to wreak havoc on the different organs, tissues and parts of the body by causing conditions that may impair and impede their proper functioning.

To counteract the disastrous effect of these oxidants or free radicals, individuals need to introduce antioxidants to their bodies. These can usually be found in the foods and drinks that people consume through their meals. Since these antioxidants are largely found in plants and crops, diets that are quite heavy on vegetables and greens are more likely to impart these substances to eaters than those that eat a lot of meats and starches.

Teas and herbal tisanes are great sources of antioxidants as they are derived from herbs and plants that are rich in these healthy compounds and substances. Here are a few teas with antioxidants:

Green tea and white tea

Teas have always been included in lists of so-called superfoods or health foods due to their high complement of antioxidants. All true teas come from a single plant - the camellia sinensis plant - which grows in many parts of Asia like China , Japan , India , Sri Lanka and Taiwan. From this plant come several tea varieties. These teas are green tea, white tea, black tea and oolong tea.

Of these, it is believed that white tea and green tea have the greatest concentration of antioxidants due to their having undergone the least amount of oxidation. Less oxidation means that they retain most of the naturally-occurring healthy chemical compounds in them.

EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate is the most dominant form of antioxidant polyphenol found in green tea and white tea. Many studies and researches have been conducted on the possible therapeutic applications of the EGCG antioxidant. Consequently, there have been a lot of promising findings on the potentials of the EGCG antioxidant as a nutritional supplement for fighting a host of ailments and diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, HIV infection, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease.

The Chinese and Japanese people have also largely linked green tea to longevity and rejuvenation. White tea, while less known than green tea, have always been popular in certain areas in China and are now getting recognition in wider areas of the globe.

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is a tart and tangy herbal infusion made from the bright red hibiscus flowers that grow in many tropical countries the world over. This tea is typically drunk either hot or cold.

This herbal drink is believed to contain a host of flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, mucilage, and anthocyanins that impart a wide variety of health benefits to its drinkers. A recent Taiwanese study conducted in the Chung Shan Medical University has found that these antioxidant compounds were associated with lowering the oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL), also known as bad cholesterol, which is related to increased risk for heart and cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, a 2008 USDA study showed that consuming hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure in a group of pre-hypertensive and mildly hypertensive adults. Data gathered therein support the idea that drinking hibiscus tea in an amount readily incorporated into the diet may play a role in controlling blood pressure, although more research is required.

Hibiscus tea was also observed to possess astringent, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that may help with strengthening the resistance to harmful foreign bodies that cause many ailments and diseases.

This herbal tisane also contains a good amount of vitamin C and other health food nutrients. These compounds along with the aforementioned antioxidant substances were found to impart the hibiscus tea benefits that help stimulate vasodilation, improve the flow of blood and promote urine excretion in individuals who drink this.

Bilberry tea

Bilberry tea is derived from the perennial shrub that's a relative of blueberry, cranberry and huckleberry. Growing to a height of about 16 inches, the bilberry has sharp edged leaves, green branches and black wrinkled berries. The bilberry fruit has the taste and appearance of its cousin, the blueberry.

Bilberry contains antioxidant compounds known as anthocyanosides. These are actually plant pigments that give the fruit its dark blue hue. Anthocyanosides scavenge the free radicals strewn across the body, thus helping prevent or reverse cell damage. Vitamin C is also present in bilberry fruit, itself another antioxidant.

The anthocyanosides are said to be useful for people with vision problems such as night blindness. Anthocyanidins apparently boost the production of rhodopsin, a pigment that improves night vision and helps the eye adapt to light changes. Bilberry has also been suggested as a treatment for retinopathy (damage to the retina) as well as cataracts, but studies are still lacking in these areas.

Antioxidants in bilberry tea have also been shown to help prevent a number of long term illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and an eye disorder called macular degeneration. These compounds help build strong blood vessels and improve circulation to all areas of the body. They also prevent blood platelets from clumping together (helping to reduce the risk of blood clots), and they have antioxidant properties (preventing or reducing damage to cells from free radicals). Bilberry fruit is also rich in tannins, a substance that acts as an astringent. The tannins have anti-inflammatory properties and may help control diarrhea.

Turmeric tea

Turmeric tea comes from the spice most popularly used on the Indian subcontinent. It is a yellow-colored spice with a mellow, mildly spicy, and somewhat earthy flavoring.

Turmeric's primary active component is a molecule called curcumin. While it is responsible for giving the spice its bright yellow color, it is also a potent antioxidant that acts as a scavenger of free radicals. It is also believed to help inhibit the peroxidation of lipids, as well as to disrupt the progress of aberrant inflammation. It is also thought to help diffuse the deposition of plaque in various circulatory passageways and in vital organs of the body.

Consequently, turmeric tea may help fight a host of serious ailments such as cancers, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's Disease, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, diarrhea and many more.

Turmeric tea also has anti-fungal and general antiobiotic properties that make it a valuable fighter in warding off diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and microbes.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea is a fruity and pleasant-tasting drink that comes from the leaves and stems of the plant Aspalathus linearis which is indigenous to South Africa. Rooibos tea is also known as 'red bush' tea and typically grows on high altitudes.

Of late, rooibos tea has been gaining a lot of attention for a variety of medicinal and clinical purposes. These have largely been attributed to its considerable antioxidant content.

Rooibos tea contains many different antioxidant compounds. The main flavonoids in rooibos tea are aspalathin, rutin, orientin, quercetin, luteolin, and nothofagin. There are also bioactive phenolic compounds such as dihydrochalcones, flavonols, flavanones, flavones, and flavanols. There is also the chrysoeriol flavonoid (luteolin 3'-methyl ether) which is believed to posses its anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-microbial, and anti-viral properties. It is also a source of Superoxide Dismutase or SOD, which is another potent blocker of oxidative damage.

Aside from its abundance of antioxidants, rooibos tea is also popular among health-conscious individuals for its lack of caffeine and its low tannin levels.

Consequently, rooibos tea is believed to be a helpful partner in preventing and fighting against various cancers, cardiovascular ailments, as well as digestive and neural disorders. It has also been widely used to help alleviate infantile colic, allergies, asthma and dermatological problems.

It may thus be a wise decision to regularly drink teas with antioxidants. There are a lot of health benefits that can be derived by taking these teas. And if people want to gain a much healthier body, it would be best to start drinking them now.

So the next time you feel like having a drink of soda or coffee, you might want to go for teas with antioxidants like the ones mentioned above. With these brews, you are virtually assured of getting a refreshing drink, as well as a healthier body.

Evidence points to Essiac Tea as potent cancer fighter even as medical community shuns it!

Essiac tea and its apparently potent cancer-fighting abilities have been in the spotlight for nearly 90 years as the tea's proponents and critics continually exchange ideas and insights on its true efficacy.

Essiac tea is recommended by proponents of alternative healthcare as a treatment for various forms of cancer. It is also used to alleviate symptoms and side effects of conventional cancer therapy. Essiac Tea is currently considered to be a "Phase III cancer treatment", meaning it is of sufficient strength to help in fighting moderately advanced cancer but not enough to be integral to the treatment of cancer in higher stages. However, this does not preclude its future addition to "Stage IV" treatment if conditions are warranted.

The medical community, on the other hand, has consistently refused to embrace the use of essiac tea as cancer treatment, even as some prominent physicians were among its strongest backers in 1938, when they pushed for the tea blend's legalization before the Canadian parliament.

Critics argue that some cancers considered as incurable suddenly go into remission without adequate medical explanation. Others say that the placebo effect - the belief that the treatment is working makes it effective rather than the treatment itself - may help explain some of the successes encountered by essiac tea in treating cancer. Consequently, treatment of cancer via essiac tea is not approved by the American Medical Association or the American Cancer Society.

Essiac tea is a blend of 4 herbs that was used by nurse Rene Caisse in the 1920s as a treatment and possible cure for cancer. The word 'essiac' is her surname spelled backward. The four component herbs of essiac tea are burdock root (arctium lappa), turkey rhubarb root (rheum palmatum), sheep sorrel (rumex acetosella), and the inner bark of slippery elm (ulmus fulva or ulmus rubra).

The sheep sorrel and the burdock root are the herbs known to kill and destroy cancer cells while the turkey rhubarb root and the slippery elm bark help build the immune system and aid in the detoxification of the affected organs.

Caisse first heard of the formula for essiac tea from a patient who met a Native Canadian Ojibwa healer. The healer said that the blend was intended to purify the body and balance the spirit. After hearing several more first-hand accounts of its curative effects on cancer, Caisse began giving the essiac tea to patients and found it to have remarkable healing abilities.

Caisse was totally convinced that essiac tea could cure cancer. She believed the tea had the ability to purify the blood, to strengthen the immune system, and to allow the healthy cells to kill the cancerous cells. She said that tumors not destroyed by essiac tea would be shrunk and could be surgically removed after six to eight weeks of treatment. She recommended at least three months of additional weekly essiac treatments to ensure that any malignant cells that remained after the first phase and surgery were totally destroyed.

Caisse's own mother, Friseide Caisse, was given essiac tea treatment after she was diagnosed with liver cancer at the age of 72. After being told that she only had days to live, her mother was said to have recovered quickly and after a few months of treatment with the essiac tea, her cancer was gone. She lived to be 90.

Caisse reported that essiac tea had been the reason that hundreds of her patients had been cured of their cancers. She sometimes administered the tea as intramuscular injections. Most of the patients came to her after conventional cancer treatments have already failed. Indeed up to this day, testimonials keep pouring in on from many patients relating how the essiac blend have totally rid their bodies of cancer.

Still, the medical community seems very adamant in their objections to essiac tea as a viable cancer treatment. In 2008, the U.S. National Institute of Health's Medline said that "there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against the use of this herbal mixture as a therapy for any type of cancer." They said that none of the individual herbs in Essiac has been tested in rigorous human cancer trials. Even as testimonials and reports from manufacturers are available on the Internet, these cannot be considered scientifically viable as evidence. They concluded by recommending that individuals with cancer should not delay treatment with "more proven therapies".

It should be remembered that persons should consult with their physician first before treating any condition with essiac tea. It is also important to remember that essiac is often used in combination with traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

So while the general public still weighs the arguments for and against essiac tea, it is worthwhile to note that both sides have valid points, and that no side holds a monopoly on the truth regarding essiac tea's efficacy on cancer.

Rooibos Tea shown to protect against cancer onset!

Research on the anti-cancer potential of Rooibos tea (red tea abundant in South Africa) has yielded promising results.

The research has indicated that Rooibos tea seems to offer protection against one of the first steps in the potential onset of cancer: mutagenesis. Mutagenesis is the process whereby the genetic material (or DNA) of a cell is altered by excessive exposure to mutagens (cigarette smoke, sunlight or chemical substances such as hydrogen peroxide). This change in the DNA is known to be a major cause of cancer.

Rooibos tea offers cancer protection in various ways. It is a potent anti-oxidant, which means that it 'mops up' free radicals. These are highly reactive molecules that are also produced during normal bodily processes. Free radicals can damage the DNA of cells, but anti-oxidants bind to the free radicals and try to de-activate them before they can cause any damage.

Rooibos tea also increases the level of natural anti-oxidants in the liver, which means that the liver's anti-oxidant status is increased.

The main flavonoids in rooibos are dihydrochalcone aspalthin, rutin, and orientin. Another flavonoid is rooibos herb is chrysoeriol (luteolin 3'-methyl ether). This flavonoid is known for antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antitumor, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties.

Furthermore, the tea stimulates the liver enzymes that metabolise (break down) carcinogens when they enter the body. Carcinogens are cancer-causing substances.

Researchers are quick to point out, however, that rooibos tea and other herbal teas aren't magic bullets. While they say that rooibos tea provides a natural, rich source of compounds beneficial to people's health, they should see these herbal teas as part of a healthy, sensible lifestyle that could alleviate the risk of cancer, and reduce its possible extent.

Reishi tea may be a potent and viable cancer fighter, studies show!

The reishi mushroom has long held a distinct place in the annals of traditional Chinese medicine as being a potent herb for the achievement of overall well-being and longevity.
The mushroom is increasingly being mentioned as one of the herbs with a potential to be considered a viable anti-tumor and anti-cancer fighter in the modern age.

Known by its official name of ganoderma lucidum and its Chinese name of lingzhi, the reishi mushroom is mentioned in Shen Nong's Herbal Classic - one of the most celebrated and monumental works in Chinese medicine - as being the top-ranked of all herbs in the superior category.
The superior category is reserved for herbs that are effective for multiple diseases, are responsible for the maintenance and restoration of the body's balance, and can be taken for long periods of time without serious side effects.
By virtue of it being picked as the most superior of all the herbs, it has enjoyed special reverence amongst practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine

The reishi mushroom has a rich content of organic polysaccharides and triterpenes (known as ganoderic acid).
These natural nutrients have been proven to enhance the body's immune functions and hold the potential for the treatment and prevention of many types of cancer.

Studies of reishi in cancer research have been largely conducted in Japan and China .
In 1986, Dr. Fukumi Morishige, M.D., Ph.D, a renowned Japanese surgeon and a member of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, found that reishi may be used as part of cancer treatment for cases given up as hopeless.

He found that the active anti-cancer constituent in this mushroom is a polysaccharide called beta-D-glucan, which is thought to stimulate or modulate the immune system by activating immune cells, as well as enhance the immunoglobin levels to produce a heightened response to foreign cells.

Meanwhile, two successive studies by Chinese scientists in 2008 found that reishi mushrooms, combined with green tea, results in synergetic effects that inhibited the growth of tumors and delayed the time of death in mice with sarcomas.

As studies mount that show reishi mushrooms may be potentially viable in the treatment for cancer, it won't be far-fetched to conceive of a future where even Western cancer medicine may come to embrace this ancient herb.
The process may have already begun as reishi has recently been added to the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Compendium.

However, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved the use of reishi as a form of medical treatment.
Observers note that it may take a several more years for the requisite tests and trials to be completed before the herb is approved for medical use. But certainly, more than 2 millenia's worth of knowledge gained from human observations would have a profound impact on any course of action that the authorities of Western medicine may take as regards this highly exalted herb.

And who knows, the reishi tea infusion or decoction might even approach the popularity of green tea, black tea or oolong tea as more people discover the healing anti-cancer properties of the mushroom.

As mushrooms possess chitin, a polymer that locks up the medicinal constituents, preparations of the reishi are unlikely to be medicinally active unless there has been a prolonged extraction in hot water.

As such, taking reishi tea is a recommended method upon which to derive the health benefits of the mushroom. To make reishi tea, add a handful of thinly sliced or pulverized reishi (either fresh or dried) to a pot of boiling water.

Let the mix simmer for about two hours. The resulting reishi tea should be fairly bitter in taste but packs in it a wallop in terms of health benefits, especially ones that fight tumors and cancers.

Turmeric tea shows promise in anti-cancer fight!

When you think of India, chances are that bright orange-yellow is the color that almost immediately crosses your mind. That flashy color is often associated with either the fabric of the native sari dresses or the fiery curry dishes that the country is famous for.

The rich yellow hue is also the color of one of India's most famous spices, the turmeric, which is a key ingredient in many of the sub-continent's popular gastronomic treats, including the venerable curry.

But did you know that the turmeric also imparts countless health benefits? For centuries, turmeric has been recognized in the realm of Ayurvedic medicine as a potent antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Turmeric has often been used as a paste and topically applied to patients suffering from bruises, cuts, eczema and even psoriasis. It has also been used to treat those with mumps, measles and chickenpox. It is also known to have effective anti-inflammatory properties, and hence is extensively used to relieve arthritic pain.

But an area where turmeric is thought to have promising health prospects is in cancer prevention and treatment. It had been observed that people whose diets are rich in turmeric seem to have generally lower rates of breast, lung, colon and prostate cancer. In Okinawa where turmeric tea is very popular, the people there have some of the world's longest average life expectancy rates.

This is largely attributed to the substance known as curcumin. It is known as the principal curcuminoid of the popular spice. The curcuminoid is an antioxidant polyphenol compound which is believed to help the body's cells resist damage brought on by free radicals.

In studies involving mice, researchers found that curcumin helped stop the spread of breast cancer cells to the lung. The U.S. National Institutes of Health had undertaken clinical trials on possible curcumin treatment for pancreatic cancer, multiple myeloma and colorectal cancer.

While turmeric is primarily ingested through its inclusion as a spice in curry dishes, it has also been increasingly consumed as a tea. To make, boil about 4 cups of water into a small pot. Then add 1 tsp. of turmeric and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. This process will extract the curcumin from the turmeric. Ginger, honey or lemon may be added to enhance the flavor of the.

So the next time you enjoy a nice hot plate of curry, remember that its cheerful yellow color is derived from the spice that has a great potential in preventing, treating and possibly healing cancer. And while you can't possibly eat curry every single day, you can derive the health benefits of the turmeric spice via a nice hot cup of tasty turmeric tea.

Green Tea may be effective against cancer and leukemia, recent study suggests!

Several studies have suggested that green tea and green tea extract have cancer-fighting abilities, possibly because the tea's concentration of antioxidants such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) help minimize the cell damage that can lead to cancer. EGCG is considered to be the most active component in green tea and is the best researched of all the green tea polyphenols.

A recent study conducted at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota has demonstrated the benefits of green tea in adult sufferers of leukemia. EGCG (the key antioxidant in green tea) has been shown to kill cancer cells taken from leukaemia patients and put in a test tube.

Doctors at the clinic reported that four patients had started using green tea on their own last year, after hearing media reports about its health benefits. All four patients had CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia). In the months after they started drinking green tea or taking green tea extracts, three of them showed measurable improvements in their condition. The fourth patient who did not show an improvement in her cancer overall, still exhibited an increase in her white blood cell count.

In one case, a patient had been showing progressive swelling in her lymph nodes before she starting taking green tea capsules twice a day. Swelling of the lymph nodes is one of the characteristic symptoms of CLL. However, over the next year the patient's lymph nodes steadily reduced in size.

Other research has come up with an explanation for why regular green tea drinkers have a low incidence of gastric and oesophageal cancers. Researchers have found that EGCG, the anti-cancer compound in green tea, works in a similar way to the anti-cancer drug methotrexate. Both work by blocking the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, which is essential to the growth of tumour cells. However, the benefit of EGCG over methotrexate is that it has far fewer side effects.

The same study also showed that blocking the dihydrofolate reductase enzyme lowers folic acid levels. This side effect could explain the increased risk of birth defects and explains why some studies suggest green tea increases the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida.

However, in a study conducted at Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program of Northern California in Oakland , researchers found that women who drank more than one half cup of caffeinated green tea every day doubled their odds of conceiving. Women seeking to conceive or who are already pregnant are advised to consult their medical practitioner about the risks associated with drinking green tea.

Green Tea shown to boost Detox Enzyme production, rendering cancerous chemicals harmless!

 Concentrated chemicals derived from green tea dramatically boosted production of a group of key detoxification enzymes in people with low levels of these beneficial proteins, according to researchers at Arizona Cancer Center.

These findings, published in the August issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, suggest that a green tea concentrate might help some people strengthen their metabolic defense against toxins capable of causing cancer.

In a study of 42 people, the concentrate -- composed of chemicals known as green tea catechins in amounts equal to that found in 8-16 cups of green tea   -- boosted production of the enzymes, which belong to the glutathione S-transferase (GST) family, by as much as 80 percent in some participants.

GST enzymes are believed to be crucial to the body's defense against cancer-causing chemicals and other toxins, according to the study's lead investigator, H.-H. Sherry Chow, Ph.D., a research associate professor at the University of Arizona . They modify the cancer-causing molecules that would otherwise damage cellular DNA, thus rendering them inert.

"They actually convert known carcinogens to non-toxic chemicals, and studies have shown a correlation between deficient expression of these enzymes and increased risk of developing some cancers," Chow said.

"Expression of this enzyme varies dramatically in people due to genetic variation and environmental factors," Chow added. "Green tea catechins somehow increase gene expression of these enzymes, which can be an advantage to people with low levels to start with."

Green tea has long been of interest to researchers given studies that have shown populations in which it is often consumed, such as the Chinese and Japanese, generally have lower rates of cancer. To find out if green tea can protect against cancer, the NCI has sponsored a number of rigorous scientific studies testing capsules of the extract, Polyphenon E, that have been prepared in Japan to meet exact specifications. These pills contain epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a catechin known for its potent antioxidant activity, and are currently being tested against a variety of cancers in clinical trials.

This study was designed to see if green tea catechin concentrate had any effect on the levels of GST enzymes in healthy individuals research that could explain the tea's anti-cancer properties. Healthy volunteers were asked to abstain from consuming any tea or tea-related products for four weeks. At the end of this "washout period," blood was drawn and baseline GST enzyme levels were determined for each participant. Then, the volunteers were asked to take four Polyphenon E capsules, for a total of 800 milligrams of EGCG, each morning on an empty stomach for four weeks and to abstain from drinking tea or eating many cruciferous vegetables, which contain other beneficial chemicals. Another blood sample was taken after four weeks, and GST activity was determined.

Researchers found that use of Polyphenon E enhanced GST activity when data from all participants were included for analysis. But it had its most significant effect in volunteers whose baseline blood measurements showed low GST activity -- an 80 percent increase compared to baseline GST activity. Activity did not change in volunteers with medium GST expression, or in those with the highest levels, GST seemed to decrease slightly although researchers believe that decline was due to random variation.

"This is the first clinical study to show proof that chemicals in green tea can increase detoxification enzymes in humans," Chow said. "There may be other mechanism in play by which green tea may protect against cancer development, but this is a good place to start."

The NCI supported the study and researchers from NCI also participated in conducting the study.

Green Tea may curb Prostate Cancer in men at risk!

Compounds found in green tea may prevent the development of prostate cancer in men with a pre-cancerous condition called high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), researchers have shown.

"The sad truth is that close to 30,000 men will die from prostate cancer in the United States every year and, at present, prevention is the best way to fight it, Dr. Saverio Bettuzzi from the University of Parma in Italy told. High-grade PIN progresses to invasive prostate cancer within a year in about 30% of men and no treatment is given to these men with high-grade PIN until prostate cancer is diagnosed.

Green tea catechins called Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) may hold the answer. EGCG is the most powerful of green tea catechins and functions as an antioxidant that is about 25-100 times more potent than vitamins C and E.

The investigator performed a trial involving men with high-grade PIN, who were given an inactive placebo preparation or one containing 600 milligrams of green tea catechins daily, "equivalent to 12-15 cups of green tea infusion, that is about two times the average intake in Asian countries."

Bettuzzi reported that, after a year, only 1 man among 32 in the catechins group developed prostate cancer, a rate of only 3 percent. In contrast, 9 out of 30 men treated with placebo developed prostate cancer, for the expected rate of 30 percent.

"To our knowledge, this is the first study showing that green tea catechins have potent in vivo chemoprevention activity for human prostate cancer," Bettuzzi noted.

"The interest in green tea catechins and other polyphenols -- antioxidants found in many plants -- derives from traditional Chinese medicine, but the Mediterranean diet is very rich in vegetables, thus providing high levels of polyphenols, and lower rates of prostate cancer are found in that region as well," he pointed out.

"There are other studies strongly suggesting that similar results could be obtained for prevention of other types of cancer. As a matter of fact, breast and colon cancer are possible targets. In the near future, we are supposed to start a collaborative trial involving both Italy and USA on this matter," Bettuzzi concluded.

Green Tea Antioxidant Slows Tumor Growth!

A powerful antioxidant found in green tea may be responsible for the beverage's heralded anticancer benefits.

New research shows that the antioxidant, known as EGCG, binds to a protein found on tumor cells and dramatically slows their growth.

Researchers say previous studies have shown that green tea helps protect against a variety of cancers, such as lung, prostate, and breast, but the mechanisms for these effects are not known.

In the study, published in the April 2004 issue of Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, researchers identified a potential target for the antitumor action of EGCG on human lung cancer cells that inhibited cancer cells' growth. By learning more about this target, researcher may be able to develop new treatments that maximize green tea's cancer-fighting potential.

Explaining Green Tea's Anticancer Benefits

In order to better understand how the antioxidants found in green tea may protect against cancer, researchers looked at how they affected a protein found on the surface of cancer cells called laminin receptor.

The study showed that when cancer cells with this protein were treated with polyphenol EGCG, the growth of the tumor cells was significantly reduced.

Researchers say the concentration of the antioxidant required to produce these anticancer effects was equivalent to those found in the body after drinking only two to three cups of green tea.

Other components found in green tea, including caffeine, had no effect on tumor cell growth.

Researchers say the results further the understanding of how antioxidants interact with cancer cells and may one day lead to more effective cancer therapies that use green tea as a dietary cancer treatment.