Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Rooibos Tea shown to protect against cancer onset!

Research on the anti-cancer potential of Rooibos tea (red tea abundant in South Africa) has yielded promising results.

The research has indicated that Rooibos tea seems to offer protection against one of the first steps in the potential onset of cancer: mutagenesis. Mutagenesis is the process whereby the genetic material (or DNA) of a cell is altered by excessive exposure to mutagens (cigarette smoke, sunlight or chemical substances such as hydrogen peroxide). This change in the DNA is known to be a major cause of cancer.

Rooibos tea offers cancer protection in various ways. It is a potent anti-oxidant, which means that it 'mops up' free radicals. These are highly reactive molecules that are also produced during normal bodily processes. Free radicals can damage the DNA of cells, but anti-oxidants bind to the free radicals and try to de-activate them before they can cause any damage.

Rooibos tea also increases the level of natural anti-oxidants in the liver, which means that the liver's anti-oxidant status is increased.

The main flavonoids in rooibos are dihydrochalcone aspalthin, rutin, and orientin. Another flavonoid is rooibos herb is chrysoeriol (luteolin 3'-methyl ether). This flavonoid is known for antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antitumor, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties.

Furthermore, the tea stimulates the liver enzymes that metabolise (break down) carcinogens when they enter the body. Carcinogens are cancer-causing substances.

Researchers are quick to point out, however, that rooibos tea and other herbal teas aren't magic bullets. While they say that rooibos tea provides a natural, rich source of compounds beneficial to people's health, they should see these herbal teas as part of a healthy, sensible lifestyle that could alleviate the risk of cancer, and reduce its possible extent.

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