Friday, December 19, 2014

White Monkey Tea Benefits

White monkey tea benefits come from the wealth of antioxidants present in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

White monkey tea is a type of green tea that is cultivated in the Taimu Mountains of the Northern Fujian province of China.
The leaves of the white monkey tea are large, have white-colored tips, and are covered in a fine and fuzzy layer of hair.

White monkey tea is typically plucked between the first and fourth week of April, that is during early spring season.
Only the tip buds and one leaf are plucked and low withered, maintaining the white down.
These young leaves of the white monkey tea are then meticulously gathered and manually shaped into an appearance that is bent, stout and brimming with white tips all over.

The Northern Fujian region is known for the high quality teas that it produces.
This is mainly due to its conducive climate that combines mild temperatures with plentiful rainfall and high elevations.

According to an old Chinese legend, there were many wild tea trees near a big temple in the Taimu mountains.
However, these were said to be too high to reach. It took the monkeys living around the temple to climb the trees and this helped the monks to pick the tea leaves.
This is said to be where the name of this type of green tea came from.

To make a nice cup of white monkey tea, simply place two teaspoons of loose white monkey tea leaves in a cup of moderate size and infuse in hot water that's about 65 to 76 degrees centigrade.

White monkey tea has a clear and bright appearance with an intricately sweet and delicate taste.

The following are the health benefits attributed to white monkey tea:

  1. White monkey tea may help strengthen the immune system and fight viruses.
  2. White monkey tea may help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  3. White monkey tea may help prevent the development of tumors and lower the risk of certain cancers.
  4. White monkey tea may help fight plaque and other damages to the teeth.
  5. White monkey tea may help delay the symptoms associated with aging.
  6. White monkey tea may help in efforts to lose weight.
  7. White monkey tea may help in the maintenance of overall well-being.

Sencha Tea Benefits

Sencha tea benefits are derived from the antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenols that are naturally found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Sencha is a type of green tea made in Japan in which the leaves are not ground.
After being picked, the sencha green tea leaves are steamed for between 15 to 45 seconds to prevent oxidization.
The leaves are then rolled and shaped into cylinders, and dried.
After this step, the sencha tea leaves are then fired to help in their preservation and to add flavor.

Sencha tea has a distinctive grassy and vegetal taste and flavor and this is thought to be due to the initial steaming process that the leaves undergo.
Sencha tea also has a vividly bright green color when infused. It also is a bit more bitter and astringent than the typical Chinese tea. Sencha tea contains caffeine.

Sencha tea is among the most common types of green tea drank in Japan . It is highly recommended as an accompaniment for meditation and concentration as it is said to impart a calming state to the mind.

To make sencha tea, simply place 1½ teaspoons of the sencha tea leaves in a kettle that is half-filled with newly-boiled water.
Let the mix steep and soak for 3 minutes (steeping for more than 3 minutes results in a bitter-tasting tea). Discard the leaves and enjoy the drink.

The following are the health benefits attributed to sencha tea:

  • Sencha tea may help in the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
  • Sencha tea may help in the prevention of strokes.
  • Sencha tea may help in preventing cancers and reduction of tumors.
  • Sencha tea may help in strengthening the immune system.
  • Sencha tea may help in preventing cancers and reduction of tumors.
  • Sencha tea may help in strengthening the immune system.
  • Sencha tea may help in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Sencha tea may aid in weight loss efforts.
  • Sencha tea may help in repairing skin damage.
  • Sencha tea may help in fighting tooth decay.
  • Sencha tea may help clear the mind and usher in conditions that are conducive for concentration.

Pi Lo Chun Tea Benefits

Pi Lo Chun tea benefits are derived from the antioxidant substances that are naturally found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Pi lo chun tea is a type of green tea grown in the Dong Ting mountain of Jiangsu province in China. This tea is characterized by a fruity taste, a smoky but flowery scent, earthy flavor, and delicate white hairs.

The name "pi lo chun" means "green snail spring" and it is so called because the leaves are rolled into a spiral that resembles the meat of a snail.
According to legend, the Emperor Kangxi was responsible for giving it this name.
The Emperor thought that the original name for this tea - "frightening and scary tea" - was inappropriate.
The tea was so called because of its overpowering fragrance.

Pi lo chun tea has a very short harvest season.
Plucking usually starts in the end of March until the early part of April each year.
This tea is typically grown along with apricots and peaches and these are said to be responsible for the fruity flavor of the pi lo chun tea.

Pi lo chun tea has been highly rated by Chinese tea experts.
In fact, tea connoisseur Zhen Jun gave it the highest rank among Chinese green teas.
As such, this tea became a staple of tributes to the Emperor.
It is said that many people included some pi lo chun tea in their yearly tax payments.

A good cup of pi lo chun tea can be made by placing a teaspoon of the leaves in a cup of newly-boiled water.
Let the brew stand for about 5 minutes. Drain the leaves and then sip slowly.

The following are the health benefits attributed to pi lo chun tea:

  1. Pi lo chun tea may help lower the risk for heart and cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Pi lo chun tea may help strengthen the immune system and make the body more resistant to viruses and bacteria.
  3. Pi lo chun tea may help reduce the risk for the development of cancer and tumors.
  4. Pi lo chun tea may help delay the onset of symptoms associated with aging.
  5. Pi lo chun tea may help build-up energy levels and suppress fatigue.
  6. Pi lo chun tea may help in weight loss efforts.

Matcha Tea Benefits

Matcha tea benefits are said to greatly exceed those of other green tea types.
This is mainly due to the fact that when matcha tea is drunk, it's as if the entire green tea leaves are ingested, and not just the brewed or infused water.

Matcha tea is finely-milled green tea leaves that come in powder form.
The taste and flavor of matcha tea is quite sweet and has a somewhat creamy and milky touch.

The tea is traditionally consumed in Japan by mixing it with hot water and enjoyed in slow sips together with meals.
A newer generation has come to enjoy cold matcha tea by mixing the powder with cool water and then drinking it casually throughout the day, or after engaging in vigorous activities.

Matcha is also used in Japan as flavor and coloring to foods such as mochi, soba noodles, ice cream and various sweets.
Of late, the appeal of matcha tea has crossed over into different parts of the world, with the powdered tea leaves being used to flavor milkshakes, coffee drinks, cookies, candies and cakes.

To produce matcha tea powder, the leaves of the designated camellia sinensis plants are covered for several weeks. The best tea buds are then picked and laid down flat to dry.
These buds will then crumble somewhat and then be ground to a powder that is vivid green in color, and smoothly fine in texture.

Matcha tea has different grades. These grades are defined by the location of the leaves on the tea bush, the treatment before processing, the stone grinding and the oxidation process.

The famous Japanese tea ceremony called chanoyu centers on the preparation of matcha tea. The ceremony had its beginnings around the end of the 12th century, when the tea was used in preparation for the meditative practices of Zen Buddhism. It is performed in modern times to highlight the Japanese cultural themes of simplicity, humility, restraint, and discipline. It is also used to exhibit Japanese aesthetic beauty.

Because matcha tea is green tea leaves in powdered form, all the healing components of the leaves, such as the antioxidants, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and nutrients, are preserved in the powder.

The following are the active constituents of matcha tea: 

  • antioxidants 
  • catechins, 
  • epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), 
  • amino acids, 
  • theanine, 
  • fiber, 
  • vitamin C, 
  • vitamin A, 
  • potassium and 
  • caffeine.

One glass of matcha tea is said to contain the equivalent of 10 glasses of green tea in terms of its nutritional value and antioxidant content.
In fact, a study conducted in 2003 by researchers from the University of Colorado found that the EGCG content of matcha tea is 137 times greater than those found in regular green tea.

This is because the drinker gets to take in all the health benefits contained in the leaves while the infused or brewed version of green tea only imparts the leaf essence in the hot water as the non-ingestible and soggy leaves are discarded.

The following are the health benefits attributed to matcha tea:

  • Matcha tea may help lower the risk of developing cancer, most especially in the brain, cervix, bladder and prostate.
  • Matcha tea may help lower the risk of heart attacks.
  • Matcha tea may help lower the risk of strokes.
  • Matcha tea may help fight against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Matcha tea may help cleanse the body of harmful toxins.
  • Matcha tea may help fight human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS.
  • Matcha tea may help strengthen the immune system and fight against diseases caused by virus and bacteria.
  • Matcha tea may help enhace the mood, sharpen concentration, as well as calm the nerves.
  • Matcha tea may help lower the risk of cognitive impairment for adults, thereby also lowering the risk for diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Kukicha Tea Benefits

Kukicha tea benefits come from the antioxidant compounds that are naturally found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Kukicha tea is made from the carefully-aged twigs, stems and course leaves of the camellia sinensis plant.
These are sun-dried and tucked away in paper backs for about two to three years.
This process builds-up the unique flavor of the kukicha tea.
After the aging process, they are cut and classified according to grade.
These are then roasted and toasted before being packed ready for brewing.

Kukicha tea possesses a light and mild flavor with a slightly sweet, creamy and nutty taste.
Kukicha twig tea has relatively lower caffeine content than the more conventional sencha and matcha green tea varieties.
Kukicha tea possesses a unique flavor and aroma due to its being made from parts of the tea plant that are excluded from the other types of teas.

Kukicha tea can be made by mixing about 1 teaspoon of dried kukicha twigs and stems with hot water (not boiling).
Steep the tea for up to three minutes, discard the twigs, and drink the tea.

Kukicha tea is still largely considered a poor man's drink in Japan but is increasingly considered in the West as a health and longevity tonic.

In fact, kukicha tea is known to play a crucial role in the macrobiotic diet, which is based on the framework that balance is the key to optimum well-being.
The macrobiotic diet consists of mostly whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and seaweed, with kukicha tea as one of the recommended beverages.

The health benefits of kukicha tea are thought to be primarily anchored in its ability to help alkalize the system.
Excess acidity is thought to be an important enabling factor for the growth of many diseases.
Alkalizing the system has been thought to help reduce the conduciveness of the body for the growth of these ailments.

A cup of kukicha tea packs an abundance of the following mineral nutrients: calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese.
It is also a good source of vitamin B-complex, vitamin C and A, and EGCG polyphenols.

The following are the health benefits attributed to kukicha tea:

  1. Kukicha tea may help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Kukicha tea may help strengthen the immune system.
  3. Kukicha tea may help prevent the development of cancer and tumors.
  4. Kukicha tea may help delay the onset of symptoms associated with aging.
  5. Kukicha tea may help build-up energy levels and keep fatigue at bay.
  6. Kukicha tea may help in weight loss.

Kai Hua Long Ding Tea Benefits

Kai Hua Long Ding tea benefits come from the antioxidants that are found in abundant quantities in the camellia sinensis plant where this and all types of green tea come from.

Kai Hua Long Ding tea is a green tea type that comes from Kai Hua county in the northwestern area of Zhejiang Province in China, one of the largest tea-producing provinces in that country.

Kai Hua Long Ding tea (translated as "Dragon Top") is made from the new leaves of exceptionally good quality strong tea plants in the unique traditional way.
After its processing, Kai Hua Long Ding tea looks straight and elegant in appearance.
The leaves are thick and are about 5 millimeters long.

The tea has been in production since about the middle of the 20 th century but it wasn't until 1985 that it was recognized as one of China's more famous teas.
Since then, the provincial government has worked hard to promote this tea and as a consequence, its popularity has grown steadily throughout China and the world.

Kai Hua Long Ding tea has a mild and vegetal aroma reminiscent of green beans.
It gives off a clear, light yellow color when steeped in hot water.
It has a slight and medium bodied flavor with a grassy tinge. It also has a mildly bittersweet aftertaste.

To enjoy Kai Hua Long Ding tea, place about 8 grams of leaves in a 150 ml container of water. Get water to about 165°F. Steep it for about 3 minutes, then strain. Be sure to sip it slowly.

When it is steeped in hot water, the leaves have a tendency of standing upright in the water.
This is said to indicate very good quality.

The following are the Kai Hua Long Ding tea benefits attributed to this brew:

  1. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help lower the risk of developing heart and other cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help lower the risk for tumors and cancer.
  3. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help enhance the immune system by assisting in the fight against diseases associated with different kinds of virus and bacteria.
  4. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help strengthen teeth and bones.
  5. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help in efforts for losing weight.
  6. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help reduce stress.
  7. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help prevent cavities.
  8. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help enhance alkalinity levels in the body.
  9. Kai Hua Long Ding tea may help fight inflammation and the diseases related to it.

Hojicha Tea Benefits

Hojicha Tea Benefits are derived from the antioxidant compounds that are naturally found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Hojicha tea is a type of Japanese green tea that is produced by roasting bancha or even sencha and kukicha green tea leaves over high charcoal heat, usually using a porcelain pot.
Due to this process, hojicha tea gets a savory flavor with a refreshing and caramel-like roasted taste and virtually no bitterness.
Also because of this process, there are some antioxidant catechins lost in the hojicha tea.

Though hojicha tea is colored light to reddish-brown, it is still considered green tea. It contains the lowest level of caffeine of any Japanese tea.

Hojicha tea is popularly served during or after the evening meal. It is frequently served before bed as its lower caffeine content makes it milder and serves as an ideal relaxation tonic.

To make hojicha tea for a typical 12 oz cup, simply place about 3 teaspoons of hojicha green tea in newly boiled water. Let the mix stand for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Discard the tea leaves and serve.

While hojicha tea decidedly contains less of the tannins and antioxidants found in other types and varieties of green tea, it still packs considerable amounts of these substances.

The following are the health benefits attributed to hojicha tea:

  1. Hojicha tea may help enhance the immune system. It may thus help in the fight against diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
  2. Hojicha tea may help protect against cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Hojicha tea may help protect against cancer and tumors.
  4. Hojicha tea may help in weight loss.
  5. Hojicha tea may help tooth decay.
  6. Hojicha tea may help usher in relaxation.
  7. Hojicha tea may help in the maintenance of overall well-being.

Gyokuro Tea Benefits

Gyokuro tea benefits come from antioxidants that are found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Gyokuro tea is a high-grade type of green tea that comes from Japan. It is typically grown under a shade cover, in contrast to most green tea types which are grown fully exposed to the sun. It is also only produced once a year. As the young tea leaves develop, these are protected from the rays of the sun for about three weeks. The gyokuro tea leaves have high chlorophyll content and so it has a deeper shade of green. It also has higher theanine amino acid content and a lower tannin content which contributes to its milder and mellow taste.

The name "gyokuro" roughly translates into "jade dew" which may refer to its rich green color and its pleasant taste. This mild and pleasant flavor is the reason why gyokuro tea is more prized, and hence more expensive than the regular green teas.

Gyokuro tea is usually taken as an after-dinner tea in Japan due to its fine flavor and fresh, floral aroma.

Gyokuro tea is brewed in relatively cooler temperatures than other types of green tea. It is usually brewed in the range of 50°C to 60°C (122°F to 140°F) rather than the typical 65°C to 75°C (149°F to 167°F) for sencha green tea. Gyokuro tea connoisseurs may even suggest pre-heating the pot and cup to maintain the warmth of the tea. Gyokuro tea is recommended to be drunk very slowly in order for the drinker to relish its unique flavor.

Like most green tea types, most of gyokuro tea benefits come from the EGCG antioxidant that imbues the leaves with tremendous health properties.

The following are the health benefits attributed to gyokuro tea:

  1. Gyokuro tea may help strengthen the immune system and may help protect the body from viruses and bacteria.
  2. Gyokuro tea may possess anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.
  3. Gyokuro tea may help reduce blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels which may help protect against cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Gyokuro tea may help fight against diseases associated with inflammation.
  5. Gyokuro tea may help burn fat and may help in weight loss efforts.
  6. Gyokuro tea may help protect brain functions and may help protect against Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and dementia.
  7. Gyokuro tea may help regulate blood sugar levels and fight diabetes.
  8. Gyokuro tea may help fight acne and other skin problems.
  9. Gyokuro tea may help fight tooth decay.

Gunpowder Tea Benefits

Gunpowder Tea Benefits are derived from the flavonoids and antioxidants that are abundant in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Gunpowder tea is a type of green tea in which the leaves are rolled into small pellets resembling those that were used for ammunitions in the 1600s. The tea leaves were rolled into that form as a way to maintain their freshness and preserve their moisture during long trips as they are conveyed overseas. Gunpowder tea is mainly produced in the Zhejiang Province in China.

While the name was believed to have been coined by the British sailors in the 17th century, the production of gunpowder tea was believed to have originated back during the Tang Dynasty in 618 B.C. To produce the gunpowder tea, the leaves are steamed and tightly rolled into small pellets, and are then dried.

Gunpowder tea has a hearty, mildly bitter and strong flavor that is highly astringent. It contains caffeine. The slowly unfurls like a flower as the tea leaves absorb water. Occasionally, the pellets will "pop" completely open once hot water touches it.

To make gunpowder tea, place a teaspoon of the tea pellets in about 5 ounces of newly-boiled water. The leaves should be soaked for one to two minutes.

As with all green teas, the minimal processing undergone by gunpowder tea allows for a higher level of antioxidants to remain intact. The primary antioxidant embodied in green tea is EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate).

The following are the health benefits attributed to gunpowder tea:

  1. Gunpowder tea may help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Gunpowder tea may help in the prevention of cancer.
  3. Gunpowder tea may help regulate blood sugar.
  4. Gunpowder tea may help fight tooth decay by fighting cavities and gingivitis.
  5. Gunpowder tea may help strengthen the immune system and fight diseases and ailments caused by bacteria and viruses.
  6. Gunpowder tea may help skin health.

Genmaicha Tea Benefits

Genmaicha Tea Benefits come from the flavonoids and antioxidants that are abundant in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.
Added benefits also come from the roasted brown rice component of the tea.

Genmaicha tea is the popular blend of beverage derived from mixing green tea leaves and roasted brown rice.
Genmaicha tea is also known in Japan as "popcorn tea" due to the appearance of the rice that pops during the roasting process which resembles popcorn.
Genmaicha tea was said to have been originally drunk by poor Japanese, as the rice served as filler and lowered the price of the tea.

While it has come to be known as "people's tea", genmaicha tea is now consumed by all segments of society.
It has also become a popular green tea choice in gourmet tea and coffee shops all over the world.

Genmaicha tea possesses a nearly sweet, toasted flavor that is a great accompaniment for afternoon snack dishes, as well as dinner.
It has caffeine content that comes from either the sencha or bancha green tea leaf varieties that are often used to blend with the toasted rice.
The caffeine content is said to be smaller than other green tea types, though.

Genmaicha tea contains the antioxidant polyphenols called catechins which are contained in the green tea leaves.
Comparatively lower amount of catechins are said to be found on the lower-grade bancha green tea leaves than the sencha leaves.
This is still the subject of debate, though.
Genmaicha tea also contains such nutrients as thiamine, niacin, iron, phosphorus and fiber which are typically present in the hull or husk of the unpolished whole grain brown rice.

To prepare a cup of genmaicha tea, simply place the combo of the dried sencha or bancha green tea leaves and roasted brown rice into a strainer.
Then steep this for about 5 minutes in a cup of newly-boiled water. Discard and drink.

The following are the health benefits attributed to genmaicha tea:

  1. Genmaicha tea may help lower the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Genmaicha tea may help lower the risk of developing cancer.
  3. Genmaicha tea may help strengthen the immune system and fighting diseases associated with different kinds of virus and bacteria.
  4. Genmaicha tea may help strengthen bones and teeth.
  5. Genmaicha tea may help in weight loss.
  6. Genmaicha tea may help enhance alkalinity levels in the body.
  7. Genmaicha tea may help fight inflammation and diseases related to it.

Dragonwell Tea Benefits

Dragonwell Tea Benefits are derived from the antioxidants that are abundant in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all varieties of green tea come from.

Dragonwell tea, also known as longjing tea or lung ching tea, is a type of green tea that is grown from Hangzhou in the Chinese province of Zhejiang.
Most of it is hand grown in tea gardens in the high altitudes of the Tieh Mu mountains. It is said to be the most widely-drunk green tea type in all of China.

Dragonwell tea has four distinct attributes:

  1. Broad and flat leaves
  2. Jade-like color
  3. Mellow flavor
  4. Sweet, fresh scent and aroma

Dragonwell tea has long been associated with the rulers and governments of China.
It was granted the status of Imperial Tea during the Qing Dynasty by Chinese emperor Kangxi.
It was also said to have been especially brewed for the ailing Empress Dowager by the Emperor Qianlong.

In recent history, dragonwell tea has also been fondly referred to as China 's national drink for it is the green tea variety typically served by Chinese government leaders to visiting heads of state. Dragonwell tea was the beverage served by Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung to U.S. President Richard Nixon when the latter visited China.
Even today, it is said that a portion of the production of dragonwell tea is reserved for orders from the government.

Aside from its rich antioxidant content, dragonwell green tea is also rich in Vitamin C, amino acids and other healthy substances that make it a good partner in the maintenance of health.

Dragonwell tea is made by placing about two teaspoons of the dried leaves in a 150 ml cup of newly boiled water and left to steep for about 5 minutes.

Pregnant women should avoid dragonwell tea and other tea drinks due to the presence of caffeine which may give rise to birth defects and other problems.

The following are the health benefits attributed to dragonwell tea:

  1. Dragonwell tea may help fight cancers and tumors.
  2. Dragonwell tea may help strengthen the immune system and help keep viruses, bacteria and infections at bay.
  3. Dragonwell tea may help lower cholesterol and lower the risk for cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Dragonwell tea may help enhance digestion.
  5. Dragonwell tea may help 'melt' and burn fat and thus, help in efforts to lose weight.
  6. Dragonwell tea may help fight against plaque and other oral problems.
  7. Dragonwell tea may help against arthritis, rheumatism and other inflammatory problems.

Dao Ren Tea Benefits

Dao ren tea benefits are gotten from the antioxidant compounds that are naturally found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Dao ren tea is a delicate green tea type that originates from the Dao Ren peak in Zhejiang province of China. It has a pronounced grass-like flavor with a tinge of nuttiness, woodiness and smokiness. It has caffeine content. Dao ren tea is typically hand plucked during the spring harvest.

Dao Ren is named for the Taoist priests who meditated upon the mountain in ancient times. They cultivated the tea garden and used the tea to help in their contemplation and meditation.

Dao ren green tea is packed with antioxidants. Like other types of green tea, its principal antioxidant component is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which imparts a host of health benefits.

To make dao ren tea, place a teaspoon of the dried leaves in a 225 ml mug. Pour in newly boiled water and let the mix stand for about 2 to 3 minutes before serving. For second steeping, increasing soaking time to about 5 minutes.

The following are the health benefits attributed to dao ren tea:

Dao ren tea may help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.

Dao ren tea may help in preventing the growth of cancers and tumors.

Dao ren tea may help in strengthening the immune system.

Dao ren tea may help in the treatment of diabetes.

Dao ren tea may help in weight loss.

Dao ren tea may help in repairing skin damage.

Dao ren tea may help in fighting tooth decay.

Dao ren tea may help clear the mind.