Friday, December 19, 2014

Kukicha Tea Benefits

Kukicha tea benefits come from the antioxidant compounds that are naturally found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from.

Kukicha tea is made from the carefully-aged twigs, stems and course leaves of the camellia sinensis plant.
These are sun-dried and tucked away in paper backs for about two to three years.
This process builds-up the unique flavor of the kukicha tea.
After the aging process, they are cut and classified according to grade.
These are then roasted and toasted before being packed ready for brewing.

Kukicha tea possesses a light and mild flavor with a slightly sweet, creamy and nutty taste.
Kukicha twig tea has relatively lower caffeine content than the more conventional sencha and matcha green tea varieties.
Kukicha tea possesses a unique flavor and aroma due to its being made from parts of the tea plant that are excluded from the other types of teas.

Kukicha tea can be made by mixing about 1 teaspoon of dried kukicha twigs and stems with hot water (not boiling).
Steep the tea for up to three minutes, discard the twigs, and drink the tea.

Kukicha tea is still largely considered a poor man's drink in Japan but is increasingly considered in the West as a health and longevity tonic.

In fact, kukicha tea is known to play a crucial role in the macrobiotic diet, which is based on the framework that balance is the key to optimum well-being.
The macrobiotic diet consists of mostly whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and seaweed, with kukicha tea as one of the recommended beverages.

The health benefits of kukicha tea are thought to be primarily anchored in its ability to help alkalize the system.
Excess acidity is thought to be an important enabling factor for the growth of many diseases.
Alkalizing the system has been thought to help reduce the conduciveness of the body for the growth of these ailments.

A cup of kukicha tea packs an abundance of the following mineral nutrients: calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese.
It is also a good source of vitamin B-complex, vitamin C and A, and EGCG polyphenols.

The following are the health benefits attributed to kukicha tea:

  1. Kukicha tea may help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Kukicha tea may help strengthen the immune system.
  3. Kukicha tea may help prevent the development of cancer and tumors.
  4. Kukicha tea may help delay the onset of symptoms associated with aging.
  5. Kukicha tea may help build-up energy levels and keep fatigue at bay.
  6. Kukicha tea may help in weight loss.

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