Thursday, December 25, 2014

Five Herbal Teas That May Help Boost Energy Levels

We all experience it once in a while. Lethargy! It is defined as a state of sluggishness or tiredness, typically due to a lack of energy and vitality. It's a drag on your productivity. It's a drag on your personal life.

Also known as fatigue, this condition may either be physical or mental. Lethargy is believed to be a product of stress or overexertion.

Many people routinely dismiss this condition as temporary, though it may be indicative of an underlying medical or psychological condition.

Herbal Teas To Boost EnergyAmong the symptoms of a lethargic state include the following:

disinterest and indifference to activities;

Elder individuals are usually more prone to lethargy than active youngsters. In general, unhealthy diets lead to nutritional deficiencies which in turn manifest themselves in the form of weakness and lethargy.

Observers generally say that this lack of energy may be corrected by simple lifestyle and dietary changes. Indeed, nutritional deficiencies that are overcome by including healthy foods in the diet can almost instantly contribute to the alleviation and elimination of the state of lethargy.

Most remedies for this condition of lack of energy are directed towards diminishing tiredness, balancing weight levels, and enhancing muscular functioning.

Here are 5 herbal tea remedies that may help boost energy levels and arrest this lethargic streak:

Ginseng Tea

Ginseng is prescribed by herbalists to boost energy and resilience to stress and stress-related fatigue. It is a widely-used rejuvenative tonic in Korea . It is also popular in China as a revitalizing herb for the elderly. Other beneficial effects include the ability to help boost the immune system, alleviate jet lag and enhance fertility. Most observers believe that this herb's ability to stimulate good blood circulation lies at the heart of its vaunted health-boosting abilities.

Ginger Tea

This comes from the versatile ginger herb that is typically used to help uplift and boost the spirit. Like ginseng, it also helps stimulate the circulatory system, thus helping to clear the mind and strengthen brain function. It is also very beneficial for the digestive system, and is an effective natural remedy for all forms of nausea.

Ginkgo Biloba Tea

This is another herbal tea that's very popular in Chinese medicine for its ability to promote optimal blood flow to many parts of the body, including the brain. Consequently, it is believed to help improve concentration and memory retention. It also helps to increase energy levels and fight fatigue.

Consuming large quantities of this tea may considerably increase blood pressure so this should be avoided by people with hypertension.

Wheatgrass Tea

This tea is made by placing powdered wheatgrass in a glass of cold or room temperature water. Experts say that two ounces of fresh wheatgrass juice or tea equals about 3 pounds of organic vegetables in vitamins and minerals.

The energy and vitality from wheatgrass comes from its high content of amino acids, B vitamins, chlorophyll, minerals and fiber. It is also reputed to possess antibacterial and restorative properties that help to detoxify the body.

Yerba Mate Tea

This South American herbal tea is prescribed by herbalists for its reviving properties. It has been traditionally prescribed as a tonic for individuals who have become exhausted due to stress. This tea is said to help stimulate the nervous system and the functions of the brain due to its content of xanthines namely caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. This tea is made by steeping dry leaves and twigs of plant in hot water. It is then typically drunk with friends from a shared hollow gourd through a metal straw.

Before trying any of these herbal teas, be sure to consult first with your health practitioners and physicians to ensure that these are safe for you.

So the next time you feel that your body feels quite lifeless, tired and is not up to the task at hand, consider taking some of these teas and herbal drinks to help boost your energy levels, counter the lethargy, and regain your productivity.

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