Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Black dragon pearl tea benefits

Black dragon pearl tea benefits are quite similar to those of other black tea varieties.
This is due to their being from the same camellia sinensis plant that possesses a host of antioxidants.

Black dragon pearl tea comes from a type of black tea grown in the province of Yunnan, China. This province is believed to be the place where the tea plant camellia sinensis originated. Tea leaves made into black dragon pearl teas are typically harvested in the spring.

Black dragon pearl teas are typically hand-rolled into small balls. Each of these tea pearls are normally made up of about 30 leaves and buds that are hand-picked and then immediately rolled before the leaves can dry. This allows the leaves to hold in the flavors better until the tea is prepared.

When the tea balls are infused in hot water, these then unfurl and each contains a number of very high-grade roasted and gold-tipped leaves.
The leaves then sink to the bottom of the cup and the water turns into an amber color.

Black dragon pearl teas exhibit chocolatey and cocoa-like tones that complement an earthy and somewhat peppery flavor.

This tea can be drunk for morning or afternoon tea.
It may be enjoyed with or without sweeteners and milk.
It has relatively lower levels of caffeine than other black tea types.

The following are the health benefits attributed to black dragon pearl tea:

  • Black dragon pearl tea may help lower the risk for the development of tumors and cancer.
  • Black dragon pearl tea may help lower the risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Black dragon pearl tea may help fight fat and enhance metabolism, thus contributing to efforts at achieving weight loss.
  • Black dragon pearl tea may help facilitate good digestion.
  • Black dragon pearl tea may help keep bacteria and viruses at bay.
  • Black dragon pearl tea may help prevent and fight inflammation.
  • Black dragon pearl tea may help maintain overall well-being when taken as part of daily diet.
  • As with other teas, pregnant women should not take black dragon pearl tea as it contains caffeine which may contribute to certain birth defects and conditions.

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