Friday, December 26, 2014

Anamu tea benefits

Anamu tea benefits have long been known for generations in South and Central America. The herbs have been acknowledged to possess potent anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-leukemic, anti-viral, diuretic, anti-spasmodic, and sedative properties.

Anamu is a flowering perennial shrub that belongs to the pokewood family. Growing mainly in South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico and southern areas of the United States, anamu is a plant whose leaves and roots emit a strongly pungent odor reminiscent of garlic. Consequently, it has the ability to repel insects and bats.

The anamu plant has deep green leathery leaves that lie close to the ground. It also has tall spikes lined with small white flowers that float airily above the leaves. It can grow up to a height of about 3 feet. It is also known by names such as guinea henweed, apacin, mucura, mapurite, gully root and herbe aux poules.

Scientifically known by the name petiveria alliacea, the leaves, flowers and roots of the anamu plant has been used by many cultures as a remedy for such diverse medical conditions as colds, urinary tract infection, flu, intestinal gas, skin irritations, and headaches. Early inhabitants in the Americas used anamu as a remedy for snakebites and arrow poisoning. Many indigenous tribes of the area also regard the anamu plant as being quite powerful that they use it for their religious (and sometimes magical) rituals.

Anamu tea benefits are derived from the plant's rich content of biologically active compounds, among them being flavonoids, triterpenes, dibenzyl trisulfide, and steroids. It also has the phytochemicals astilbin, benzaldehyde, and coumarin, which have been shown to possess anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties. Other active constituents include allantoin, barbinervic acid, leridal, leridol, linoleic acid, oleic acid, sitosterol, palmitic acid and proline.

Anamu tea can be made by placing about 30 grams of the dried anamu plant in one liter of boiling water. Let it boil for about 15 minutes, then take it out of the heat. Let the mix steep for a further 7 minutes before drinking. ¼ cup may be taken thrice daily or applied topically depending on the condition being treated. Anamu powder tablet and capsules are increasingly used nowadays.

The use of anamu tea and herb should be avoided by pregnant women as it may lead to uterine contractions that may lead to miscarriages. Likewise, people with blood disorders should check first with their physicians before taking anamu tea and herb as it has a blood thinning effect on the body. It may also cause complications in people with hypoglycemia.

The following are the anamu tea benefits attributed to this brew:

Anamu tea is believed to help lower the risk for developing tumors and cancer due to its potent phytochemical content.

Anamu tea is believed to help fight inflammations that cause many different kinds of pain such as arthritis, rheumatism and headaches.

Anamu tea is believed to help strengthen the immune system by killing viruses, bacteria, candida and fungi.

Anamu tea is thought to help fight diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels.

Anamu tea is believed to help reduce fever and flu.

Anamu tea is thought to help sedate the nervous system and hence fight anxiety.

Anamu tea may help in detoxification by helping to promote urination, as well as perspiration.

Anamu tea is believed to help promote menstruation.

Anamu tea is believed to help fight congestion-related problems such as cough, colds and sinusitis.

Anamu tea may help ease muscle spasms.

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