Thursday, December 18, 2014

Chun Hao Tea Benefits

Chun hao tea benefits are gotten largely from the flavonoids and antioxidants that can be found in substantial quantity in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from. Added benefits also come from the fragrant jasmine flowers that typically accompany this tea.

Chun hao tea is a high grade green tea type that comes from the Fujian province of China.
The tea comes from hand-rolled tender tea plants that are grown in high altitudes.
Chun hao tea has a sweet scent as it comes infused with jasmine flowers.
The jasmine flowers lend it a floral flavor while accentuating its natural toasty taste.

This tea is a good accompaniment to a meal.

When steeped, this tea produces a clear yellow-green hue.
There is likely a jasmine aftertaste which is typically stronger than the naturally astringent flavor of the green tea.

To make a nice cup of this jasmine chun hao tea, place a teaspoonful of leaves in a pot of water and steep for about 3 to 4 minutes. Strain the leaves and then drink.
The leaves may be used for a second steeping and the resultant tea is said to be quite identical to the first.

The following are the chun hao tea benefits attributed to this brew:

  •     Chun hao tea may help reduce the risk of developing heart and cardiovascular diseases.
  •     Chun hao tea may help lower the risk of developing tumors and cancer.
  •     Chun hao tea may help enhance the immune system and combating diseases and ailments           associated with different kinds of virus and bacteria.
  •     Chun hao tea may help strengthen bones and teeth.
  •     Chun hao tea may help in efforts to lose weight.
  •     Chun hao tea may help enhance alkalinity levels in the body.
  •     Chun hao tea may help fight inflammation and the ailments related to it.

Green Tea Benefits

Green Tea is the well-known "wonder drug" known to give its drinkers a host of health benefits.

Green tea is simply a wonder drug offering many benefits.

To name some verities as followings:

  1. Bancha Tea
  2. Chun Hao Tea
  3. Dao Ren Tea
  4. Dragonwell Tea
  5. Genmaicha Tea
  6. Gunpowder
  7. Gyokuro Tea
  8. Hojicha Tea
  9. Kai Hua Long Ding Tea
  10. Kukicha Tea
  11. Matcha Tea
  12. Sencha Tea
  13. White Monkey Tea

The most common beliefs about green tea’s benefits are:

  1. It lowers the risk of cancer
  2. It lowers the risk of stroke and heart diseases
  3. It lowers blood pressure
  4. It prevents tooth decay
  5. It inhibits viruses


Green Tea Lowers the Risk of Cancer.

Many studies have shown that people drinking green tea have significantly lower risk of cancer. There are  potent antioxidants in Green Tea as polyphenols,. Some studies show that the polyphenols most prevalent in green tea, the catechins, are far more useful in fighting free radicals than vitamins C or E.

Many new studies are testing green tea as a potential cancer therapy due to    green tea’s well established ability to prevent cancer. Especially Green tea may be protective against lung cancer in former and current cigarette smokers.

Green tea has been shown to offset against both the initiation and promotion of carcinogenesis. Some studies have found that green tea blocks the formation of certain tumors. If green tea's could only reduce the risk of cancer, it would bel worth taking as a beverage or supplement.

Green Tea lessens Cholesterol and subsequently  the risk of stroke and heart diseases: 

To lower LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels, green tea has been found effective. The potent antioxidant effects of green tea hinder the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries. It has major contributory role in the formation of atherosclerosis.

Generally the formation of blood clots, known as thrombosis, is the prime cause of heart attack and stroke. Green Tea, as effectively as aspirin,  may stop abnormal blood clot formation. If we take coagulation risk factors of blood, green tea has power to inhibit platelet aggregation and adhesion via effects that differ from those of aspirin.

Green Tea Lowers Blood Pressure:

Green Tea blocks the effects of a significant cause of hypertension as angiotension-converting enzyme (ACE), an enzyme secreted by the kidneys. By blocking the effects of ACE, blood pressure can be lowered significantly, along with, the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Published studies have shown lowered blood pressure in animals and humans who are given green tea extracts. Still for treatment of hypertension by using green tea, that should be   only under the supervision of a competent medical professional. Regular testing of blood pressure is a must.

Green Tea Prevents Tooth Decay:

Catechins inhibits the formation of dental plaque, bacterial colonies that form on tooth surfaces causing tooth decay, as shown in studies. Tea has been found to hamper Streptococcus mutans, a major bacterium involved with decay. Catechins reduce the bacterial cell membrane fluidity,which results in the antiplaque activity. Tea also shows positive effects in fighting gum disease.

Green Tea Inhibits Viruses:

Green tea has been famous for lowering blood sugar levels. It can effectively kill certain bacterias and fight staph. Green tea deters several viruses including viral hepatitis. Green tea, via catechins and theaflavins and its gallates, have exhibited antibacterial properties.

Studies have shown that catechins can effectively kill almost every kind of bacteria which causes food poisoning. It also deactivates the toxins, produced by those bacteria. Simultaneously, it enhances the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. It is also evident that green tea also inhibits the flu virus. Lab studies proves that green tea extract protects against many common degenerative diseases

Tea For Insomnia

Certain types of tea have long been recommended as a way to alleviate insomnia.
Insomnia is a symptom of a sleeping disorder typified by persistent difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity.

Insomnia is usually classified as:

  • Transient Insomnia - lasts from days to weeks
  • Acute Insomnia - lasts between three weeks to six months
  • Chronic Insomnia- lasts for years
Often, many herbalists consider insomnia only as the symptom and that there are underlying imbalances within the body that contribute to insomnia.

Some herbs are used to make tea for insomnia due to their sedative effect. These herbs seek to relax the nervous system to induce restfulness and eventually, sleep.

Some of the teas that have been traditionally used as insomnia and sleep disorder remedies are:

Basil Tea - has a sedative effect.

Catnip Tea - is a gentle relaxant with sedative effect

Catuaba Tea - is believed to induce restful sleep

Chamomile Tea - is a gentle remedy that calms the senses.

Cleavers Tea - may have some anti-insomnia properties

Dong Quai Tea - may help alleviate menopause-related insomnia

Fennel Tea - is a spicy tea that also relaxes.

Honeybush Tea - may help soothe and relax the nerves

Hops Tea - has a gentle sedative action on the nerves

Kava Tea - is a good relaxation enhancer

Jamaican Dogwood Tea - may be helpful against insomnia

Lavender Tea - has potent calming properties

Lemon Balm Tea - is a deeply, relaxing tea that also lightens the mood. It also induces restful sleep.

Lemon Verbena Tea - enhances relaxation and promotes restfulness

Motherwort Tea - a relaxing tea that helps calm the central nervous system.

Mullein Tea - may help in calming the nerves

Passion Flower Tea - believed to be effective in stress-related insomnia

Peppermint Tea - is a pleasant relaxant.

Reishi Tea - believed by Asians to have "sleep-promoting factors".

Schizandra Tea - has a sedative effect on the nervous system

Skullcap Tea - is a minty tea that induces relaxation

Solomon's Seal Tea - may help in relaxation & fight against insomnia.

Tarragon Tea - may help promote restfulness

Valerian Tea - is a relaxing and sleep-inducing tea. This tea can bring about restful sleep without morning sleepiness.

Tea For Indigestion

Various types of tea and infusions have been traditionally recommended for use to treat indigestion.

Indigestion is the inability to properly digest and assimilate ingested food in the stomach. Indigestion usually occurs after a meal and is an uncomfortable and irritating condition.

Some of the symptoms associated with indigestion are the following:

  •     Heartburn
  •     Belching
  •     Bloating
  •     Flatulence
  •     Nausea

Major causes of indigestion are bad eating habits, as well as the kinds of food consumed.
Some processed and refined foods for example, wear down the digestive organs.
Huge quantities of fat can also hamper proper digestion.
Acidic foods can also contribute to indigestion.
Eating in a hurried pace is also a contributor, as are certain food allergies and sensitivities.

For digestion to run its full course, all digestive enzymes should function in optimal amounts. Breakdowns and/or interruptions in any part of the digestive process lead to indigestion.

Some herbal tea remedies and stomach bitters that support the liver and gall- bladder can help prevent indigestion if taken before meals.
Others, like fennel tea, can be taken after a meal.

Here are some of the teas that can be used to relieve indigestion:

Alfalfa Tea - may help treat upset stomach.

Angelica Tea - may help relax intestinal muscles.

Anise Tea - may help treat upset stomach

Artichoke Leaf Tea - may help relieve constipation.

Bilberry Tea - may be used as a tonic for indigestion and other
stomach disorders

Bitter Melon Tea - may be useful against dyspepsia and constipation.

Blessed Thistle Tea - may be used to treat various digestive problems

Blue Flag Tea - may help treat nausea due to indigestion

Brahmi Tea - helpful against dyspepsia

Bupleurum Tea - may help against 'disharmony' in the stomach region

Burdock Tea - good as a healing tonic against digestive disorders

Calamus Tea - may help treat certain digestive problems

Calendula Tea - helps soothe the digestive system

Cardamom Tea - helps facilitate digestive processes

Catnip Tea - helps settle stomach disorders, gas and colic

Centaury Tea - may help combat gastritis and constipation

Chai Tea -  may help facilitate proper digestion

Chamomile Tea
- helps relax the stomach muscles

Club Moss Tea - may help fight persistent gastritis and constipation

Cornflower Tea - may help support good digestion

Dandelion Tea - helps stimulate flow of bile

Devil's Claw Tea - may help facilitate proper digestion

Dill Tea - helps alleviate an upset stomach

Elecampane Tea - may help improve digestion

Epazote Tea - may be helpful against flatulence and other problems on digestion

Fennel Tea - appears to speed up the rate at which food moves through the intestinal track

Flax Tea - may help facilitate better digestion

Fumitory Tea - enhances digestion

Galangal Tea - may help combat digestive problems

Gentian Tea - aids in better digestion

Ginger Tea - traditional treatment for digestive maladies

Heather Tea - known as being 'tummy-friendly'

Helichrysum Tea - may help improve digestion.

Horehound Tea - helps stimulate bile flow.

Hyssop Tea - may help relieve intestinal congestion.

Iceland Moss Tea - may help in the treatment of cough and other phlegm congestions.

Juniper Tea - traditionally used for flatulence, belching and other
digestion problems

Kombucha Tea - may help boost metabolism and support good digestion.

Lavender Tea - helps discomfort due to indigestion

Lemon Balm Tea - can soothe and calm a nervous stomach

Lemon Verbena Tea - may help relieve gas

Lemon Peel Tea - may help improve the appetite and facilitate good digestion.

Lemongrass Tea - may help facilitate good digestion.

Linden Tea - helps ease dyspepsia and upset stomach

Lovage Tea - helps relieve many disorders of the stomach

Marjoram Tea - helps ease stomach discomfort due to indigestion

Myrtle Tea - may help alleviate certain digestive problems

Osha Tea - traditionally used by Native Americans as remedy for indigestion.

Peppermint Tea - helps stimulate production of digestive juices for more effective breakdown of food.

Quassia Tea - may help release digestive juices that facilitate better digestion.

Rosemary Tea - can help enhance the flow of digestive juices

Sage Tea
- may help promote good digestion.

Saw Palmetto Tea - may help counter certain digestive problems.

Senna Tea - may help alleviate constipation.

Shatavari Tea - may help fight against gastritis.

Slippery Elm Tea - traditionally used for many digestive complaints

Solomon's Seal Tea - may help relieve problems on bad digestion.

Spearmint Tea - can relieve minor indigestion

Stevia Tea - may help facilitate better digestion.

Stone Root Tea - may be helpful against constipation & irritable bowel syndrome.

Tansy Tea - may help facilitate good digestion.

Tarragon Tea - may help facilitate proper digestion after meals.

Thyme Tea - helps relieve flatulence

Triphala Tea - may help facilitate better digestion.

Tulsi Tea - helps alleviate some gastrointestinal ailments.

Usnea Tea - used as digestive system stimulant.

Valerian Tea - helps soothe the digestive system.

Vervain Tea - may help relieve digestive ailments.

Wheatgrass Tea - contains enzymes that may help good digestion.

White Sage Tea - may help keep certain stomach disorders at bay.

Wormwood Tea - helps stimulate digestive function.

Yarrow Tea - may help combat various stomach ailments.

Yellow Dock Tea - may help enhance the digestion function.

Yerba Mate Tea - helps with digestion.

Tea For Heart Disease

Various types of tea remedies have been recommended for use to prevent, treat and combat heart diseases and other cardiovascular ailments. Of late, tea and other traditional methods have gradually been gaining mainstream recognition in the efforts to avoid and fight heart diseases.

Cardiovascular Diseases include the following:

  •     Coronary Heart Disease (Heart Attacks)
  •     Cerebrovascular Disease
  •     Raised Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  •     Peripheral Artery Disease
  •     Rheumatic Heart Disease
  •     Congenital Heart Disease
  •     Heart failure

Heart attacks are mainly caused by a blockage that prevents blood from flowing to the heart.
The most common cause is a build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the blood vessels that supply the heart or brain.
The blood vessels become narrower and less flexible, also known as atherosclerosis (or hardening of the arteries).
The blood vessels are then more likely to become blocked by blood clots.

The major causes of these blockages and heart disorders are:

  •     tobacco use;
  •     physical inactivity, and;
  •     an unhealthy diet.

One of the ways to fight Heart Disease is to embark on a diet that's friendly to the heart.
Teas and herbs have always been recommended as a valuable component of an overall healthy diet.

This is because certain compounds found in teas and herbs have been shown to help lower the risk for heart and cardiovascular ailments through the following actions:

  •     scavenging free radicals in the blood;
  •     dilating the blood vessels;
  •     'thinning' out the constituency of the blood; and
  •     helping lower the LDL or bad cholesterol levels.
It is very important that consultation and coordination be made with doctors and physicians before trying out any of these teas for heart disease.
Special care ought to be made by people who are on medication, those with known allergies to certain herbs, or women who are pregnant and nursing.

List of Teas for Heart Disease

Here are the top teas and herbal drinks that are typically used to help prevent heart ailments, as well as fight against heart disease:

Hawthorn Tea - this may help improve overall cardiovascular functions. It is a very popular 'Heart Tonic' in China and the Far East. Made from the berries, flowers and leaves of the hawthorn plant, this is rich in antioxidant flavonoids that help dilate the blood vessels, improve blood flow, & protect blood vessels from damage.

Ginkgo Biloba Tea
- this tea is popular in China and the Far East. A brain stimulator, numerous studies have shown this tea to cause dilation & increase the blood flow in the arteries, capillaries and veins. It may also inhibit platelet aggregation and reduce blood clotting.

Bilberry Tea - a tea from this blueberry-like plant may help improve blood circulation to the capillaries and assist in strengthening the vascular walls, as well as stimulate the formation of new capillaries.

Turmeric Tea - this tea contains the antioxidant curcumin which gives off its yellow color. The curcumin has been shown to help the heart against damage from low oxygen supply. It may also be helpful in preventing blood clotting.

Green Tea - this tea is known to fight the toxins and free radicals in the blood stream. It is very rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that may help protect the heart from all the materials that tend to damage it.

White Tea - this tea undergoes less oxidation than green tea and therefore is known to retain more antioxidant content than its green counterpart. Its antioxidant content is known to scavenge the toxins and free radicals in the blood caused by various factors.

Motherwort Tea - this tea contains bitter glycosides that may help reinvigorate the cardiac system. These may help lower blood pressure and manage conditions related to stress. Many practitioners also use this to treat heart palpitations and arrythmias.

Rooibos Tea - this tea from South Africa has a remarkable antioxidant content that may help fight free radical damage to the heart and to other organs. It may also help ease hypertension.

Pu erh Tea - this tea comes from the large leaf variety of the camellia sinensis plant. It possesses many antioxidants and is believed to be effective in 'melting' away fat and is typically served after heavy meals.

Here are other herbal teas whose constituents may have beneficial effects on heart health.

Abuta Tea - this tea is believed to have heart-supportive qualities.

Acai Tea - this tea comes from the South American berries that possess high antioxidant content. The antioxidants collect the destructive free radicals that may damage the heart.

Agaricus Tea - the tea from this mushroom may help fight hardening of the arteries.

Alfalfa Tea - this may help lower blood cholesterol levels and help prevent calcification in arteries.

Angelica Tea - this may have heart-strengthening properties

Artichoke Leaf Tea - this may help lower levels of bad cholesterol.

Blackberry Tea - this is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients to help maintain heart health

Cat's Claw Tea - this contains alkaloids that may be beneficial to the heart

Chaga Mushroom Tea - this tea may be helpful in lowering blood pressure & regulating heart rhythm.

Chai Tea - due to its abundant spice content, this may have a variety of heart-protective properties.

Chrysanthemum Tea - this may help enhance heart health.

Cornsilk Tea - this may have heart stimulating properties.

Cramp Bark Tea - this may help lower blood pressure.

Cranberry Tea - this may help increase good cholesterol levels.

Dogbane Tea - this tea is believed to help relax blood vessels and fight hypertension.

Dong Quai Tea - this is also regarded as heart tonic in many parts of Asia.

Elecampane Tea - this may be helpful in overall efforts to combat cardiovascular disease.

Epimedium Tea - this may be promising in treating congestive heart failure

Eucommia Tea - a decoction from the bark may help fight hypertension and high cholesterol levels.

Fenugreek Tea - this may help lower levels of bad cholesterol

Flax Tea - its high fiber content is ideal for prevention of heart disease.

Forsythia Tea - this may help regulate cholesterol and blood pressure.

Gentian Tea - this may help facilitate better blood flow.

Goji Tea - this contains compounds that beneficial to the health of the arteries and the heart.

Goldenseal Tea - this contains the compound berberine which may be helpful in thinning the blood as well as being a cardiac stimulant

Gynostemma Tea - this may be helpful in reducing blood cholesterol which may in turn lower heart disease risk.

Hibiscus Tea - this tart and tangy tea may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is quite popular in Asia and may be taken hot or cold.

Helichrysum Tea - this may help prevent the development of atherosclerotic plaque. The herb possesses anti-coagulant properties that helps thin the blood and prevent the development of blood clots.

Honeybush Tea - this may help lower cholesterol and lower fat levels.

Hyssop Tea - this may help regulate blood pressure.

Kudzu Tea - this may help in assisting blood flow to the brain for those with arteriosclerosis.

Lemongrass Tea
- this exotic brew may help reduce excess fat and cholesterol.

Linden Tea - this tea has a restorative and healing effect on the blood vessel walls.

Mistletoe Tea - this may help in lowering blood pressure.

Neem Tea - this Ayurvedic brew may help with lowering blood pressure and reducing clots.

Oatstraw Tea - its high fiber content makes it a heart-friendly tea.

Olive Leaf Tea - this ancient brew may be helpful in fighting bad cholesterol.

Oolong Tea - this tea helps scavenge toxins and free radicals in the blood stream.

Orris Tea - this has been traditionally used for congestive heart failure.

Passion Flower Tea - this is known as a highly-relaxing tea and may be helpful against high blood pressure.

Plantain Tea - this may help lower blood pressure.

Psyllium Tea - this has high fiber content which may help in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol.

Red Clover Tea - this tea may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol.

Rehmannia Tea - this is a famous tea for well-being in China and has constituents that may help strengthen the heart.

Reishi Mushroom Tea - this is a very powerful tea that's highly-regarded in Asia. It is a potent tea for overall well-being and may have equally potent heart-protective properties as well.

Rosemary Tea - this tea may help in countering poor blood circulation.

Rue Tea - this tea may help against irregular heart palpitations.

Safflower Tea - this tea may help lower bad cholesterol levels.

Schizandra Tea - this tea may be highly helpful for patients with coronary heart disease. It is believed to possess vasodilating properties that increase blood supply to the body, thus normalizing the blood pressure and improving heart function.

Shepherd's Purse Tea - this tea may help regulate blood pressure.

Skullcap Tea - this tea may have strong preventative properties against heart diseases.

Stevia Tea - this tea may help lower blood pressure.

Tribulus Tea - may be helpful against coronary heart disease

Triphala Tea - this Ayurvedic brew may be rejuvenative to the heart.

Tulsi Tea - another Ayurvedic tea, this may help keep the blood pressure even.

Valerian Tea - this is known as a relaxing tea and may be helpful in lowering blood pressure.

Wheatgrass Tea - this helps alkalize the system, thus producing healthier blood.

Wood Betony Tea - this tea is a mild heart stimulant. It is sometimes used to treat palpitations.

Wild Yam Tea Benefits - this tea shows some promise in lowering levels of bad cholesterol.

Tea for Headaches

Tea has long been recommended as a way to stop headaches. All headaches stem from chemical, emotional or structural problems within the body.

Among the types of headaches are:

1. Tension Headaches.
These are characterized by a steady ache rather than a throbbing one, and usually involve tight muscles in the lower back, neck area, and jaw.

2. Migraine.
These are characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and, sometimes, an aura of bright lights.

3. Cluster Headaches.
This form of headache usually strikes men who smoke and drink and will recur over several weeks, with pain generally centering in one eye.

The presence of certain bioflavonoids in tea and herbal infusions has given them the ability to interact with the body and thus prevent, reduce and even stop headaches.

Some of the teas widely acknowledged to be useful against headaches are:

Black Tea - Can be used for headaches caused by histamines.

Boneset Tea - Can be quite effective for migraine headaches

Butterbur Tea - Can be taken for migraine headaches

Catnip Tea - Can be effective for migraine headaches.

Chamomile Tea - Can be used for headaches associated with digestive upsets.

Chrysanthemum Tea - Can help in relief of tension headaches

Cramp Bark Tea - May help with tension headaches.

Damiana Tea - May help treat headaches

Feverfew Tea - May help in giving relief to migraine sufferers

Ginger Tea - Can be used for migraine headaches.

Guarana Tea - Traditionally used for headaches

Gynostemma Tea - may be helpful remedy for migraines.

Honeybush Tea - may help counter headaches due to its soothing components

Honeysuckle Tea - May help relieve headaches

Horehound Tea - May help sinus-related headaches

Jamaican Dogwood Tea - may be effective against migraine headaches

Kudzu Tea - may help in alleviating headache pains.

Lavender Tea - May help soothe migraines

Lemon Balm Tea - Can be used for nervous headaches.

Licorice Tea - May be helpful against migraines

Linden Tea - Considered valuable in relieving sickness headaches

Lovage Tea - may be effective against migraines

Meadowsweet Tea - Ingredient in some anti-headache medication

Passion Flower Tea - Induces calmness and fights stress headaches

Peppermint Tea - Can be used for headaches associated with digestive upsets.

Periwinkle Tea - May be helpful against migraine headaches

Rosemary Tea - Can be used for headaches associated with mental or physical exhaustion.

Rue Tea - may help fight headaches associated with panic.

Skullcap Tea - Can help relieve stress-related headaches.

St. John's Wort Tea - May help reduce chronic tension headaches.

Stone Root Tea - may be helpful remedy against headache.

Tansy Tea - may be especially helpful against migraines.

Thyme Tea - Can be used for headaches associated with hangovers

White Peony Root Tea - May help alleviate migraine headaches

Wood Betony Tea - Said to be one of the best in alleviating headaches

Yerba Mate Tea - May help treat headaches

Yucca Tea - May help reduce migraine headaches.

Tea For Hair Loss

Tea for hair loss remedies are believed to work better when viewed as a preventative, rather than a curative solution.

Hair loss is a condition that normally refers to excessive loss of scalp hair. However, it may also refer to loss of hair from the entire body. The scientific term for the condition is alopecia but the term 'baldness' is most commonly used to refer to it.

Hair loss usually appears in many different ways, depending on the problem that's causing it. Some types of hair loss are temporary, while others are permanent.

The following are the commonly known causes of hair loss:

1. Hormonal factors
The most common cause of hair loss is the hereditary condition commonly referred to as male-pattern baldness. In genetically susceptible individuals, certain sex hormones trigger a particular pattern of permanent hair loss. Many men experience hair thinning and hair loss starting at puberty.

Women also suffer from female pattern baldness. Hormonal changes and imbalances may often trigger this temporary condition. This may be due to pregnancy, childbirth, discontinuation of birth control pills or menopause.

Individuals with thyroid problems may also suffer from this condition. Since the thyroid gland helps regulate hormone levels in the body, hair loss may result if the gland is not functioning properly.

2. Scalp Infections and Other Skin Disorders
Infections, such as ringworm, may get into the hair and skin of the scalp. Diseases such as lichen planus and some types of lupus may cause scars in which permanent hair loss may occur. Dandruff may also play a part.

3. Medications
Hair loss can be caused by drugs used to treat ailments such as cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems and high blood pressure.

4. Physical or Emotional Shock
Many individuals may experience a thinning of hair after a physical or emotional event such as a personal, family or career crisis.

5. Tight hairstyles
Traction hair loss may take place if the hair is pulled too tightly into hairstyles such as pigtails or cornrows.

Some types of hair loss may be reversible, particularly those caused by certain medications. Once these medications are discontinued, as in the case of chemotherapy for cancer patients, the hair tends to grow back. Some forms of baldness like those experienced by women due to childbirth and pregnancy, and those due to emotional shock, can also be temporary in nature.

Male Pattern Baldness

In the case of hair loss in men caused by male pattern baldness, there have been no proven cures at the present time. There are however some clinically-approved treatment that may help slow down hair loss such as minoxidil, and propecia. There are likewise cosmetically-developed procedures and devices such as hair transplants and hair weaves designed to hide the symptoms of the condition.

As mentioned in the beginning, teas and herbs for male pattern hair loss are best viewed as preventatives. But some evidence may suggest that these tea remedies can be effective at reversing the hair loss process if the condition is detected and acted upon at a very early stage.

Below are some tea for hair loss remedies:

Dong Quai Tea - Dong Quai, also known as Chinese Angelica, is believed to fight hair loss due to its content of phytoestrogens, which impairs the formation of the DHT hormone that causes the loss of hair.

Ginkgo Biloba Tea - Ginkgo biloba is believed to help improve the circulation of blood to the brain and skin. Herbalists believe that the improvement of blood flow to the brain and skin enables the delivery of more nutrients to the hair follicles that promotes hair re-growth.

Ginseng Tea - Ginseng is likewise believed to improve vascular circulation and regulate cellular metabolism. When used as an ingredient in shampoo or hair tonics, an extract from this herb may help nourish and strengthen hair.

Green Tea - Green tea is believed to be rich in antioxidant catechins that are believed to inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which is a leading trigger of male pattern baldness.

Fo Ti Root Tea - This comes from an ancient Chinese herb that has been used for centuries in treating graying hair and premature hair loss and baldness. It is believed to contain compounds and nutrients that restore balance to the system. It is often one of the main ingredients used in commercial products that treat hair loss. It can take three to six months of use to see the full benefits of Fo-ti. 

Horsetail Tea - This herb is believed to contain high silica content that helps to rejuvenate hair and stimulate its growth. The herb is often included in herbal formulas that fight baldness.

Nettle Tea - Ingredients in nettle are believed to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT - the main cause of hair loss in men.

Saw Palmetto Tea - Saw palmetto is believed to slow down the hair loss process and even encourage it to re-grow. This herb is also believed to possess the ability to support prostate health.

Tea For Fever

For centuries, tea and other herbal infusions have been traditionally taken to complement the treatment for people with fever.
Fever is said to be present if the body temperature rises by at least one degree above the normal, which is considered to be at 98.6°F or 37°C.

Fever is the body's reaction to an attack by virus and bacteria.
An infection is usually the primary cause of fever.
The rise in the body's temperature is due to the body's making sure that it becomes as unwelcoming and as inhospitable as possible for the agents of infection.

Certain physical factors such as dehydration of the body, muscular overexertion, and reactions to mosquito bites, bee stings, and other allergic or toxic reactions can also cause a rise in the body temperature.
In children, the onset of chicken pox, the measles and the mumps are accompanied by fever.

Fever is usually accompanied by general lethargy, weakness, chills, poor appetite and irritability. Often the individual only desires to sleep and take a rest.

Medical care is often required to identify and treat the underlying causes of fever.
Since these causes are quite varied, it is recommended that medical consultation be performed so that the correct ailment is diagnosed.

Herbal tea and infusions have traditionally been made to help lower the body temperature during fever.
The teas usually induce perspiration and decrease the chills that afflict sufferers.

Here are some of the teas that can be used to complement and help in the overall efforts to lower fever:

  •     Anamu Tea
  •     Andrographis Tea
  •     Bayberry Tea
  •     Boneset Tea
  •     Borage Tea
  •     Bupleurum Tea
  •     Calamus Tea
  •     Catnip Tea
  •     Chamomile Tea
  •     Chrysanthemum Tea
  •     Cornflower Tea
  •     Devil's Claw
  •     Echinacea Tea
  •     Elderberry tea
  •     Ephedra Tea
  •     Fennel Tea
  •     Feverfew Tea
  •     Forsythia Tea
  •     Gentian Tea
  •     Ginger Tea
  •     Goat's Rue Tea
  •     Gravel Root Tea
  •     Honeysuckle Tea
  •     Horse Chestnut Tea
  •     Hyssop Tea
  •     Jamaican Dogwood Tea
  •     Lemon Balm Tea
  •     Lemon Verbena Tea
  •     Licorice Tea
  •     Linden Tea
  •     Meadowsweet Tea
  •     Olive Leaf Tea
  •     Osha Tea
  •     Peppermint Tea
  •     Pleurisy Root Tea
  •     Pygeum Bark Tea
  •     Quassia Tea
  •     Rosemary Tea
  •     Safflower Tea
  •     Sage Tea
  •     Shatavari Tea
  •     Sheep Sorrel Tea
  •     Skullcap Tea
  •     Usnea Tea
  •     Vervain Tea
  •     Yarrow Tea

Tea For Diarrhea

The use of teas and herbs have been a staple component in the treatment of diarrhea for many civilizations the world over.

Diarrhea is an increase in the frequency of passage of loose or liquid bowel movement. Diarrhea is actually a symptom of underlying disorders.
As such, a holistic treatment may only be effective if the underlying causes of the diarrhea are treated.

Some of the accompanying symptoms of diarrhea include cramps and pain in the lower abdomen, lack of bowel control, nausea, weakness, malaise.

The common causes of diarrhea are bacterial, parasitic or viral infection.
However, other causes are stress, dietary changes and other more serious disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, Crohn's disease, food poisoning, ingestion of dirty water, etc.
Diarrhea can also be caused by intake of dairy products by lactose intolerant people.

Here is a list of teas that are frequently taken to help relieve diarrhea:

Agrimony Tea - Can help relieve diarrhea in children if given early.

Barberry Tea - Can be used for bacterial diarrhea

Basil Tea - Can be used for diarrhea in children

Bayberry Tea - May be helpful in bacterial diarrhea

Bilberry Tea - Helps in preventing fluid in coming into the intestines.

Bistort Tea - this highly astringent tea may help fight diarrhea, dysentery and other stomach-related ailments.

Blackberry Tea - May be helpful in mild diarrhea

Bupleurum Tea - In small doses, may be helpful in fighting diarrhea

Catnip Tea - Is a great way to relieve spasmodic intestines.

Caraway Tea - May aid in binding watery stools quicker

Carob Tea - May be beneficial in treating diarrhea in babies

Chamomile Tea - Works well with adults with mild to moderate cases of diarrhea.

Cramp Bark Tea - May help with irritable bowel syndrome.

Cranesbill Tea - Has astringent properties useful in fighting diarrhea

Dandelion Tea - Is included in many remedies for diarrhea

Dill Tea - Helpful in treating diarrhea caused by microbial action

Galangal Tea - Fights diarrhea associated with persistent body 'coldness'

Goldenseal Tea - Helpful in treating infectious diarrhea

Guarana Tea - Possesses astringency that fights diarrhea

Honeysuckle Tea - Helps alleviate diarrhea

Lady's Mantle Tea - may help in the treatment of diarrhea.

Licorice Tea - Used in treating disorders in digestive system.

Linden Tea - May help combat diarrhea and indigestion

Lotus Tea - Used as medicinal herbal concoction for diarrhea

Meadowsweet Tea - Helps alleviate diarrhea in children

Mistletoe Tea - may have beneficial effects on diarrhea

Mullein Tea - May help contain diarrhea

Oregon Grape Root Tea - may be useful against diarrhea and dysentery.

Partidgeberry Tea - Prescribed for diarrhea

Pau D'Arco Tea - Has been used as folk medicine in treating diarrhea for centuries and is still thought to be effective today.

Periwinkle Tea - Traditional remedy for diarrhea

Plantain Tea - Traditional remedy for diarrhea

Prickly Ash Tea - may be useful against diarrhea.

Psyllium Tea - Used as bulk-forming diarrhea for treatment of diarrhea.

Quassia Tea - may be helpful against diarrhea.

Rosehip Tea - May help in diarrhea and other gastrointestinal conditions

Shatavari Tea - Its roots are traditionally used for diarrhea treatment

Sheep Sorrel Tea - Is a component of many traditional treatments for diarrhea.

Shepherd's Purse Tea - may help fight diarrhea.

Slippery Elm Tea - Helps relieve diarrhea and other stomach-related ailments

Vervain Tea - Used against diarrhea since olden times

Walnut Bark Tea - a decoction contains compounds that may help fight diarrhea and dysentery.

White Oak Tea - Powerful astringent to control diarrhea

Wild Cherry Bark Tea - Long used to treat diarrhea

Witch Hazel Tea - May help heal diarrhea

Wood Betony Tea - May prove effective against diarrhea.

While taking note of the beneficial effects of these types of tea in combating diarrhea, it is also recommended that consultations be done with qualified medical practitioners.

Tea For Diabetes

Various types of tea have been recommended for use to prevent, treat and combat diabetes.
In addition to conventional medicine, there has been growing acceptance from the populace of the natural and traditional methods of treating diabetes.

Diabetes is an ailment in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin, the hormone that converts sugar and other food into energy.
The most common type of diabetes seen today is Type II diabetes, where insulin is produced (though sometimes not in a high enough quantity), but is not used properly.
This situation results in a higher than normal level of blood glucose in the body.
Type I diabetes is diagnosed in childhood, and results from an inability to produce insulin.

Compounds in certain types of tea have been known to help keep insulin levels constant in the blood, helping to regulate it naturally.
Other types of tea act on and prevent the effects of complications of diabetes by going against the enzymes that produce these complications.

Traditional Chinese, Indian and other Asian treatments against diabetes make use of herbs and tea infusions.

Here are some of the teas that can be used to help in the overall fight against diabetes:

  •     Green Tea
  •     Black Tea
  •     Oolong Tea
  •     White Tea
  •     Agaricus Tea
  •     Alfalfa Tea
  •     Allspice Tea
  •     Andrographis Tea
  •     Artichoke Leaf Tea
  •     Banaba Tea
  •     Bilberry Tea
  •     Bitter Melon Tea
  •     Buchu Tea
  •     Burdock Tea
  •     Centaury Tea
  •     Chaga Tea
  •     Chamomile Tea
  •     Cordyceps Tea
  •     Damiana Tea
  •     Dandelion Tea
  •     Essiac Tea
  •     Eucommia Tea
  •     Fenugreek Tea
  •     Flax Tea
  •     Ginkgo Biloba Tea
  •     Ginseng Tea
  •     Goat's Rue Tea
  •     Goldenseal Tea
  •     Gymnema Tea
  •     Hyssop Tea
  •     Jasmine Tea
  •     Neem Tea
  •     Plantain Tea
  •     Periwinkle Tea
  •     Psyllium Tea
  •     Reishi Tea
  •     Tulsi Tea
  •     Turkey Rhubarb Tea
  •     Turmeric Tea
  •     Wheatgrass Tea
  •     Wild Cherry Bark Tea
  •     Yerba Mate Tea

Tea For Depression

Certain types of tea have properties that contribute to the treatment of depression.

Depression, also known as clinical depression, major depression, unipolar depression, or unipolar disorder, is a mental disorder typified by general low mood, accompanied by low self-esteem, and loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities.

People suffering from depression are usually preoccupied with thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, feelings of impending doom, inappropriate guilt or regret, helplessness, hopelessness, lifelessness, and self-hatred.

Depressed people may sometimes exhibit the following symptoms:

  1.     psychosis
  2.     delusions
  3.     hallucinations
  4.     poor concentration
  5.     poor memory
  6.     withdrawal from social situations and activities
  7.     reduced sex drive
  8.     entertain thoughts of death or suicide
  9.     agitated behavior
  10.     lethargic behavior

Experts are of the belief that that depression is caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.

However, certain risk factors can help trigger and render individuals vulnerable to depression. Among these are:

  1.     Recent stressful life experiences
  2.     Family history of depression
  3.     Marital or relationship problems
  4.     Lack of social support
  5.     Financial strain
  6.     Early childhood trauma or abuse
  7.     Alcohol or drug abuse
  8.     Unemployment or underemployment
  9.     Health problems or chronic pain

It has been observed that depression creeps in individuals between the ages of 20 and 30 years, with a later peak between 30 and 40 years.
Women are usually more prone to major depression. Women also attempt suicide more often, although men are at higher risk for completing suicide.

The biological explanations for depression center on low levels of one or more of the so-called monoamines, the collective term for the neurotransmitters in the body, serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

While anti-depressant medications are readily available, there have also been some natural tea remedies that have been shown to contribute to the treatment of depression.
Some of these teas are known to impart some of their active constituents that affect the nerves and the monoamine levels in the body.

Among these tea remedies that may help ease or relieve some symptoms of depression include:

  •     St. John's Wort Tea
  •     Ashwagandha Tea
  •     Barley Tea
  •     Borage Tea
  •     Dogbane Tea
  •     Damiana Tea
  •     Gentian Tea
  •     Ginkgo Biloba Tea
  •     Ginseng Tea
  •     Kava Tea
  •     Lavender Tea
  •     Lemon Balm Tea
  •     Muira Puama Tea
  •     Oatstraw Tea
  •     Rhodiola Tea
  •     Rooibos Tea
  •     Rosemary Tea
  •     Sage Tea
  •     Tarragon Tea
  •     Thyme Tea
  •     Valerian Tea
  •     Yohimbe Tea

St. John's Wort Tea, for example, is widely-recognized as a potent treatment for the condition that in Germany, doctors often prescribe it.

However, it is always best to consult your physician before trying any of these tea remedies for depression.