Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tea For Cough

Tea and other herbal infusions have been traditionally recommended for use in fighting the pesky cough.

The cough is a bodily mechanism for expelling unwanted particles in the system and is manifested as a forceful eviction of air and foreign materials through the mouth. As such, coughing is actually a defense device of the body.

However, the cough becomes a major irritant if the expulsion of the foreign bodies makes a person hack endlessly, uncomfortably and uncontrollably.

The two types of cough are the dry cough, in which no sputum is evident, and the the wet cough where liquid or mucus is ejected. The mucus contains all the germs and unwanted foreign materials that the body has expelled.

Some herbal tea remedies have been traditionally used to combat cough. Some of these teas are:

Andrographis Tea - this tea may help fight disorders of the upper respiratory tract.

Agrimony Tea - May be helpful in treating coughs

Angelica Tea - may help treat hacking cough and bronchitis.

Anamu Tea - this tea from the South American herb is believed to help fight congestion-related ailments.

Anise Tea - is an excellent expectorant.

Astragalus Tea - Helpful in fighting whooping cough.

Black Cohosh Tea - May be helpful in fighting the cough

Borage Tea - May be helpful in treating dry cough

Bugleweed Tea - May help in suppressing cough

Burdock Tea - May help treat bronchial cough

Calamus Tea - May help fight chest congestion

Caraway Tea - May help fight cough and bronchial disorders

Celandine Tea - May be used as treatment for whooping cough

Chai Tea - May help suppress coughing

Chaparral Tea - When its steam is inhaled, may help alleviate cough & congestion problems

Cinnamon Tea - traditionally used as home remedy for cough relief

Coltsfoot Tea - Helps in treating dry cough and whooping cough

Damiana Tea - Helpful in suppressing cough

Dill Tea - May help in the treatment of coughs, cold and flu

Echinacea Tea - May help reduce symptoms of cough

Elderberry Tea - May help fight cough

Elecampane Tea - has been a proven expectorant

Ephedra Tea - may help alleviate cough and other respiratory ailments.

Eucalyptus Tea - when inhaled, may help relieve asthma.

Eyebright Tea - May be helpful in alleviating cough

Fennel Tea - Can have soothing actions on the upper respiratory tract

Fenugreek Tea - May help in expelling phlegm

Flax Tea - May help in the treatment of cough

Forsythia Tea - May be helpful in relieving cough and influenza

Ginger Tea - may be helpful in fighting cough

Goat's Rue Tea - may aid in cough relief

Goldenrod Tea - May help ease whooping cough

Heather Tea - May be helpful against the cough

Horehound Tea - May be helpful in fighting upper respiratory diseases like cough

Hyssop Tea - great for treatment of cough and colds

Iceland Moss Tea - May be useful in treating cough

Jamaican Dogwood Tea - may help in cough suppression

Lavender Tea - May be helpful in alleviating cough

Lemon Verbena Tea - May be helpful as an expectorant

Licorice Tea - Can have healing actions on the throat and can help as an expectorant

Linden Tea - May help in alleviating cough and colds

Lovage Tea - May help in treating bronchial coughs

Lungwort Tea - may aid in cough relief

Marjoram Tea - May help relieve dry cough

Meadowsweet Tea - Traditionally used to relieve cough

Mistletoe Tea - may be helpful against respiratory ailments such as cough

Mullein Tea - can substantially help expelling mucus by liquefying it

Myrtle Tea - May help in treating dry cough

Orris Tea - may have substantial expectorant properties

Osha Tea - may help against bronchial and congestion problems

Peppermint Tea - May help clear congestion and cough

Periwinkle Tea - Used as cough remedy in China

Plantain Tea - may help relieve cough and other ailments involving respiratory congestion

Pleurisy Root Tea - may be helpful in relieving cough and other congestion problems

Reishi Tea - may be helpful against cough.

Rosehip Tea - may be effective cough treatment due to its high Vitamin C content.

Rue Tea - may help in the treatment of coughs.

Safflower Tea - may help soothe cough and bronchial spasms.

Sassafras Tea - may help in the treatment of bronchitis.

Saw Palmetto Tea - may help in fighting against persistent cough.

Slippery Elm Tea - May be helpful in treating cough

Soapwort Tea - may help fight cough and other bronchial ailments.

Solomon's Seal Tea - may be helpful against cough & other bronchial ailments.

Speedwell Tea - May be helpful as expectorant

Spikenard Tea - May help against cough

Thyme Tea - Helpful in treating coughs releated to colds and flu.

Tulsi Tea - may help alleviate some respiratory problems

Usnea Tea - May be helpful in alleviating cough

Violet Leaf Tea - may help in the relief of cough, colds, asthma and other congestive & respiratory ailments.

Wild Cherry Bark Tea - Prescribed by Chinese physicians for cough

Tea For Cancer

Cancer or malignant neoplasm is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood).

There are many herbs that can be made into tea that are effective in treating cancer. The tea infusion can help and aid in combating cancer through several ways:

  • They stimulate the immune system,
  • They break up accumulations (tumors)
  • They stimulate blood circulation
  • They assist in the detoxification process.

It should be made clear that it has not been conclusively proven that tea and other herbal tea infusions are a "cure" for cancer. Nevertheless, they can be a beneficial aspect in the overall efforts to treat cancer.

Oncologist will tell always tell cancer patients that only the body itself can assure a complete recovery from cancer but the herbs and teas are meant to strengthen the body and aid in that effort.

Here are the teas that have been widely considered as helpful in the overall efforts to treat and combat cancer:

  1. Green Tea
  2. White Tea
  3. Black Tea
  4. Oolong Tea
  5. Ginseng Tea
  6. Rooibos Tea
  7. Agaricus Tea
  8. Anamu Tea
  9. Andrographis Tea
  10. Angelica Tea
  11. Ashwagandha Tea
  12. Bilberry Tea
  13. Birch Tea
  14. Blackberry Tea
  15. Black Cohosh Tea
  16. Boswellia Tea
  17. Burdock Tea
  18. Bupleurum Tea
  19. Calendula Tea
  20. Cardamom Tea
  21. Cat's Claw Tea
  22. Chaga Tea
  23. Chai Tea
  24. Chaparral Tea
  25. Chicory Tea
  26. Cleavers Tea
  27. Cordyceps Tea
  28. Cranberry Tea
  29. Curculigo Tea
  30. Dong Quai Tea
  31. Echinacea Tea
  32. Eleuthero Tea
  33. Essiac Tea
  34. Eucommia Tea
  35. Fennel Tea
  36. Figwort Tea
  37. Flax Tea
  38. Goji Tea
  39. Goldenseal Tea
  40. Gynostemma Tea
  41. Iceland Moss Tea
  42. Jasmine Tea
  43. Lemongrass Tea
  44. Lovage Tea
  45. Milk Thistle Tea
  46. Mistletoe Tea
  47. Olive Leaf Tea
  48. Oregon Grape Root Tea
  49. Pau D'Arco Tea
  50. Periwinkle Tea
  51. Quassia Tea
  52. Reishi Tea
  53. Safflower Tea
  54. Sage Tea
  55. Sheep Sorrel Tea
  56. Slippery Elm Tea
  57. Tribulus Tea
  58. Turkey Rhubarb Tea
  59. Turmeric Tea
  60. Wheatgrass Tea
  61. Yerba Mate Tea

Tea For Asthma

The use of tea in supplementing treatment for asthma is slowly becoming prevalent in the modern world as recognition for the health properties of the natural brew intensifies.

Asthma is a chronic condition in which the airways in the body occasionally constrict, become inflamed, and are lined with excessive amounts of mucus or phlegm, often as a reaction to one or more triggers.

Asthma attacks may be caused by such things as exposure to a catalyst in the environment such as an allergen, tobacco smoke, cold or warm air, or moist air. Activities like exercise or exertion, and even emotional stress can trigger asthma attacks.

Asthma symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Bronchodilators are often used to treat constriction in the airways as a result of asthma.

Increasingly, natural remedies are being used to help treat asthma and those suffering from its symptoms.

Some of the teas being used to help in the overall treatment of asthma include:

Biota Tea - may help fight asthma and other congestion problems.

Chamomile Tea - Helps relax inflamed airways.

Cramp Bark Tea - may help relieve symptoms associated with asthma.

Curculigo Tea - this tea is popular in Chinese traditional medicine for its ability to help counter congestion problems like asthma and bronchitis.

Elderbery Tea - May help alleviate asthma symptoms.

Elecampane Tea - Long regarded in helping treat various respiratory ailments like asthma.

Epazote Tea - May be helpful against asthma

Ephedra Tea - May help alleviate asthma

Epimedium Tea - may help fight asthma

Eucalyptus Tea - when inhaled, may help in the treatment of cough

Feverfew Tea - may help in the treatment of asthma

Ginger Tea - Helps minimize symptoms of asthma and other respiratory ailments.

Green Tea - Has EGCG that is believed to be potent in promoting well-being.

Gynostemma Tea - traditional remedy for asthma

Licorice Tea - Helps sooth inflammations.

Lobelia Tea - may be used as respiratory stimulant in the treatment of asthma.

Lungwort Tea - anti-congestive properties may help relieve asthma

Mullein Tea - Has components that prove a big help in fighting disorders of the respiratory system.

Nettle Tea - Can help relieve asthma symptoms due to its ability to fight allergic infection.

Peppermint Tea - may be helpful in relieving asthma symptoms.

Plantain Tea - may be helpful in relieving symptoms of asthma & other congestive ailments.

Reishi Tea - may be effective natural remedy for asthma.

Soapwort Tea - may help alleviate asthma.

Solomon's Seal Tea - may be helpful against asthma.

Spikenard Tea - may help in relief of asthma symptoms.

Thyme Tea - Has potent components useful in combating respiratory problems.

White Tea - Has potent antioxidants essential for maintenance of general well-being.

Yucca Tea - may be helpful against asthma.

While taking note of the beneficial effects of these types of tea in combating asthma, it is also recommended that consultations be done with qualified medical practitioners.

Tea for Arthritis

Tea has long been used by many civilizations in fighting arthritis and other joint pains. Modern medicine has slowly been recognizing some beneficial effects of drinking tea in the overall efforts towards treating arthritis.

Arthritis is a group of conditions that involve damage to the bodily joints. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people older than fifty-five years.

Arthritis is characterized by pain. Pain patterns may differ depending on the type of arthritis and its location.

Arthritis comes in different forms. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is a degenerative disease and is typically caused by infection, trauma or advancing age.

Other arthritis forms of arthritis are:

rheumatoid arthritis
psoriatic arthritis
septic arthritis
gouty arthritis

Some of the teas being used to help in the overall treatment of arthritis include:

Abuta Tea - this tea is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties that may fight arthritis and rheumatism.

Alfalfa Tea - May be beneficial in fighting arthritis

Andrographis Tea - this tea may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Boswellia Tea - a tea that contains the gummy resin has long been
known to help fight osteoarthritis.

Burdock Tea - Used to treat gout

Chickweed Tea - May be helpful in the treatment of arthritis & other inflammatory ailments.

Cibotium Tea - may help fight rheumatism and other aches and pains caused by yin deficiency in the liver and kidney.

Clematis Tea - may help ease pains from arthritis and rheumatism caused by dampness and wind-cold factors.

Cramp Bark Tea - May help alleviate arthritis related to muscle tension.

Devil's Claw Tea - May help with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Elderberry Tea - May help fight arthritis

Feverfew Tea - May help combat arthritis.

Flax Tea - May help relieve rheumatoid arthritis.

Fumitory Tea - May help in the treatment of arthritis.

Galangal Tea - may help fight rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginger Tea - Used for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginseng Tea - Is an adaptogen that enhances the body's ability to handle stress

Goldenrod Tea - May help arthritis and rheumatism

Green Tea - Has EGCG that is believed to be potent in fighting inflammation and joint damage

Hawthorn Tea - It helps stablize collagen, the protein found in joints that are destroyed by inflammatory diseases like arthritis

Horse Chestnut Tea - may help offer relief from arthritis and rheumatism

Hydrangea Tea - may help fight rheumatoid arthritis

Juniper Tea - may be helpful in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

Lemongrass Tea - may help alleviate arthritis and rheumatoid pain.

Licorice Tea - Has significant anti-inflammatory properties.

Neem Tea - Is a natural aid to combat arthritis.

Nettle Tea - Is an official anti-arthritis treatment in Germany.

Parsley Tea - may be helpful against arthritis and rheumatism.

Passion Flower Tea - may have anti-inflammatory properties that make it a popular remedy against arthritic pain.

Prickly Ash Tea - may be helpful in relieving pain from arthritis and rheumatism.

Rosemary Tea - Has anti-inflammatory ingredients that made it a popular folk treatment for arthritis symptoms.

Sassafras Tea - may help fight arthritic and rheumatic problems.

Soapwort Tea - may help alleviate arthritis.

Spikenard Tea - may help in treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

Vervain Tea - may help relieve arthritic pain

Wild Yam Tea Benefits - may be helpful against arthritis and rheumatism.

Yucca Tea - may be helpful against rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Tea For Anemia

Certain types of tea have properties that contribute to the treatment of anemia.
Tea For AnemiaAnemia is a condition characterized by a deficiency of hemoglobin, the molecule found in red blood cells. It can also be characterized by the presence of abnormal red blood cells. Anemia is likewise caused by a deficiency of iron in the body.

Hemoglobin normally carries oxygen from the lungs onto the tissues. If there is a lack of hemoglobin, then there will be lack of oxygen in the bodily organs. Such deficiency of oxygen can manifest itself through tiredness, dizziness, headaches, slow healing, bruising, nervousness, shortness of breath or palpitations. These are thus the common known symptoms of anemia.

Here are some of the teas worth considering when tackling anemia:

Abuta Tea - this brew from the South American plant is believed to help in the treatment of anemia.

Alfalfa Tea - May help in fighting anemia.

Bilberry Tea - May help in treatment of certain disorders in the circulatory system.

Burdock Tea - Effective in blood purification.

Centaury Tea - May help in fighting anemia

Chickweed Tea - May help combat anemia and other blood problems.

Dandelion Tea - Very rich in vitamins and minerals.

Dong Quai Tea - May help in the treatment of anemia.

Gentian Tea - May help improve absorption of iron into the body.

Ginseng Tea - Has beneficial effects in problems of the circulatory system.

Green Tea - Has EGCG that is believed to be potent in promoting overall health and well-being.

Hawthorn Tea - Excellent agent in enhancing circulatory functions.

Mullein Tea - Excellent in helping cleanse the blood.

Pau D'Arco Tea - Found to be helpful in increasing production of red blood cells.

Psyllium Tea - may be helpful treatment for anemia.

Rehmannia Tea - may be particularly helpful in treating aplastic anemia.

Rhodiola Tea - may be helpful against anemia.

St. John's Wort Tea - may be helpful against anemia.

Thyme Tea - may help fight anemia.

White Tea - Among the healthiest of teas that is believed to be potent in promoting overall health and well-being.

While taking note of the beneficial effects of these types of tea in combating anemia, it is also recommended that consultations be done with qualified medical practitioners.